Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture Production

authored by: Rameshwar Dass Gupta & S.K. Gupta
ISBN: 9788119002542 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 150 | Language: English | Copyright: 2024
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 8.95 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 380 GMS
USD 165.00 USD 149.00
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The growing awareness of the harmful effects of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers on agriculture, health, and the environment has driven the shift toward organic farming. Conventional farming practices, characterized by excessive and imbalanced use of nitrogenous, phosphatic, and potassic fertilizers, have degraded soil productivity, reduced organic carbon, and caused micronutrient deficiencies, particularly in India's agricultural lands. This overuse has led to groundwater contamination, nitrate pollution, and health issues such as Methemoglobinemia and cancer, alongside environmental problems like eutrophication and ozone depletion. Organic farming emerges as a holistic solution, enhancing biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil health while reducing dependency on harmful chemicals.

The book explores the transition from chemicalized farming to sustainable practices, offering insights on organic crop cultivation, food security, and the role of women and agroforestry. It serves as a vital guide for sustainable agricultural advancement.

Prof. (Dr) Rameshwar Dass Gupta (R.D. Gupta) Ex-Associate Dean Cum Chief Scientist Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) Jammu was born on 27th September, 1941 at village Thub, Tehsil, Jammu J&K State, now Union Territory. He earned his  B.Sc. Agriculture  Degree  during  1965  with  specialization  in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science from Jammu and Kashmir University securing 3rd position. After serving about six months from October, 1965 to March, 1966 as a teacher teaching Chemistry to the final year students of Higher Secondary in the Ranbir Higher Secondary School Parade Ground, Jammu, he got  admission in M.Sc. Agriculture (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science) at Agriculture College Kanke, Ranchi, Bihar, now Jharkhand during April, 1966. He completed the aforesaid degree after getting through a number of courses relating to Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry, Soil Genesis and Classification, Soil Microbiology as well as Plant Bio Chemistry, Plant Physiology and Physical Chemistry. He secured 2nd  position after completing aforesaid courses during June, 1968.

Dr. Gupta has resorted his M.Sc. "Agriculture Thesis" work under the guidance of Dr. K.K. Jha, the then Soil Chemist Bihar, Agricultural Research Institute, Kanke, Ranchi, who later on became Vice Chancellor of Rajindra Agricultural University, Bihar, India. His thesis having title, "Genesis, Physical, Chemical, Mineralogical and Microbiological Nature of the Soils of Jammu and Kashmir". Thus, he was one of the pioneer who worked on the soils of Jammu and Kashmir, now, Union Territory. He did Ph.D. in Agriculture with specialization in Soil Science and Water management in 1980 from Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar, Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya (CSK HPKVV) Palampur, India. It is further added that Dr. R.D. Gupta has studied special courses such as "General Bacteriology, Inorganic Nutrition, Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter and Analytical / Physical Chemistry during his Ph.D. in Agriculture". His Ph.D. thesis work relating to "Mineralogical and Microbiological     properties of soils Kangra District (Himachal Pradesh) developed under different Bio, Climo and Litho sequences", was done under the able guidance of Dr. B.R. Tripathi Dean, College of Agriculture, under HPKVV, Palampur who later on became Vice Chancellor of Acharya Narendra CSK Deva University  of  Agriculture  and  Technology,  Kumarganj,  Ayodhya,  Faizabad, U.P. Apart from the above, Dr. R.D. Gupta also holds Post Graduate Diploma in Ecology and Environment with a specialization on the "Wildlife of Pirpanjal Himalayan Region of Jammu and Kashmir", from Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment, New Delhi.

Author's first book relating to "Problems and Management of Soil and Forest Resources of North West Himalayas" which covers a number of topics besides "Genesis and Classification of Soils, their Physico-chemical and Mineralogical

Properties" was published during the year, 1991. Second and third Book entitled "Environmental Degradation of  Jammu  and  Kashmir  Himalayas  and  their Control",  and "Environmental Pollution - Hazards and Control" were published during 2005 and 2006, respectively, which relate to Environment and Ecology, besides pertaining to various Soil Science Topics. Thus, the author is not only a leading "soil scientist having specialization in soil microbiology and pedology but is also a famous "Environmentalist and Ecologist". Other published books on the name of Prof. (Dr) R.D. Gupta are "Glimpses of North West Himalayas, 2009", "Wildlife and Wetland Ecosystems of Jammu and Kashmir Himalayas, 2016" and "Agro- techniques and Uses of Medicinal Plants 2016". The above quoted book relating to "Medicinal plants" is co-authored one, written by Dr. R.D. Gupta, S.K. Gupta and S.D. Bhardwaj. Another co-author's published Book is "Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) in a sustainable Rice-Wheat Cropping System", authored by Anil Mahajan and R.D. Gupta which was published by Springer Science-Business Media B.V. 2009.

He started his service career as an "Assistant Extension Specialist, Soil Science", after joining Punjab Agriculture University (PAU) at Dharmsala, District Kangra, HP during December 1968. Later on, he was adjusted in CSK, HPKVV, Ralampur and served in various capacities such as Assistant Scientist / Assistant Professor, Associate Professor/Extension Specialist cum Incharge of First Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) at Daula Kuan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh during May,

1983 and worked there upto 21st February, 1985. On 22nd February, 1985, he joined as Deputy Director Extension Education at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) R.S. Pura, under SKUAST (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology). During 1992, he became Chief Scientist and Head of SKUAST, R.A.R.S, R.S. Pura as well as Chief Scientist of first KVK opened at R.S. Pura, Jammu District of Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir State, now the Union Territory. After creating the separate Agricultural University for Jammu  Province,  named  as  Sher-e-  Kashmir  University  of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu (SKUAST-J), Dr. R.D. Gupta was appointed as the "Founding Associate Dean", Faculty of Agriculture SKUAST-J. Besides teaching work both of graduate and post graduate students in agriculture, he was also assigned to look after the work of all "Research Stations" viz. Pulses Research Station Samba, Dryland Agriculture Research Station Rakh Dhiansar, Horticulture Research Station Udhewala, Soil and Water Management Research Station Ponichack as well as Agricultural Research Stations located at Rajouri and Poonch. He was also the Head, Division of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science and Agroforestry.

Besides teaching Soil  Science  and Agricultural  Chemistry  and  Environment Ecology to graduate and Post graduate students, he has guided a number of students of M.Sc. Agriculture (Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science) as well as those

of Ph.D. He has  organized a large number of professional training programmes not only in Agriculture but also in Horticulture, Floriculture, Animal Husbandry as well as in Home Science under Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKS). Dr. R.D. Gupta is recipient of US Dollars 50 for his best paper among the participants for USDA and SAARC Journals. He has been awarded by the Central Mahajan Sabha Jammu and Jammu and Kashmir Women Welfare Society for significant contribution in Agriculture Research during 1997-1998 and transfer of Agricultural Technology during 2001, respectively. He was chosen and conferred with an honorary appointment  to  the  Research  Board  of Advisor  by  an American  Biological Institute (ABI) USA in 1999. An award was provided by Soil & Conservation Society of India in 2006 for outstanding contribution in the area of Teaching, Research and Extension. He was further awarded by Bharat Vikas Parishad during

2009 in the field of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science. He was also selected and bestowed upon with "Gold Medal Plaque" by the ABI during 2010 for the best work done in Agricultural Extension, Research and Teaching in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science.

"Life Time Achievement Award 2019" was given with great honour to Dr. R.D. Gupta for his highly significant contribution in the field of Natural Resource Conservation and Management in the Hilly Region of North West India by  Soil Conservation Society of India (SCSI).

Best Citizen of India Gold Medal Award" was presented to Prof (Dr.) R.D. Gupta, Excellence in his respective field on the occasion of 73rd National Unity Conference for "Individual Achievement and National Development" on 22nd February 2020, at Chennai", by Global Economic Progress and Research Association (GEPRA, New Delhi).

"Lead Speaker Award" was provided by the Head of Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture SKUAST-J. It was after delivering a lecture on, "Organic Farming" to the Trainees in the ICAR sponsored short course entitled "Conservation Agriculture Practices for Enhancing Productivity on Resource Use Efficiency in Major Cropping systems organized from 4th to 13th February 2020".

"Mahatma Gandhi ji Gold Medal Award" was presented to Prof. (Dr.) R. D. Gupta, excellence in his respective field on the occasion of 75th National Unity Conference on Individual Achievements and National   Development   on   30th October, 2021 Bangalore by GEPRA, New Delhi.

Dr. Gupta is a life member of a number of societies like Indian Society of Soil Science, Soil and Water Conservation, Clay Mineral Society of India, the Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use planning, Indian Society of Tree Sciences, Indian  Society  of  Environment  and  Ecology,  Society  of  Environment  and People, Association of Rice Research Workers, Indian Farmers Digest, Agrobios Newsletter, Down to Earth and Ayurveda for Holistic Health, Association of Rice Research Workers.

He has more than 150 peered review publications. More than 100 research papers are in various Indian Journals of repute as stated above. Twenty six book chapters are in  different books edited by Distinguished writers like Late Dr. S.K. Chadha Ex- Professor Geology, Dr. B.L. Kaul Ex-Head, Department of Zoology, Govt. College for Women, Parade, Jammu.

Apart from the above, book chapters of Dr. R.D. Gupta also stand appeared in "Dryland Farming in India: Constraints and Challenges". "Bio-Industrial watershed Development", edited by Dr. J.L. Raina, Head of the Department of Geography, G.G.M. Science College Jammu and Suraj Bhan (President) and his associates (S. Subramaniyan, V.K. Bharti, R.L. Karale and Shamsher Singh-Members) of Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi. A few book chapters relating to plant nutrients both macro i.e., primary (N,P,K, Ca, Mg, K) and Micro (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and Mo) in various oil seed crops for mixed cropping and / or intercropping systems have been detailed in the books written by Dr. S.K. Gupta, Ex-Director Education of SKUAST-Jammu. These books have been published by Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 2012 and LLC, 2016.

Served as referee of Himachal Journal of Research, Journal of Clay Research and Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Remained Paper Setter for Soil Agricultural Research Service (ARS) for a number of years. Similarly, he remained paper setter for Kashmir Administrative Service (KAS) in Agriculture. He is the Vice President of J&K Paryavaran Sanstha (Environment Society) and is also the Member of J&K, Pollution Control Board.

S.K. Gupta, born in 1959, Former Professor and Head, Division of Plant Breeding  and  Genetics/Director  of  Education,  SK  University  of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, FOA, Chatha, Jammu, India, and holds a brilliant academic and service record. For almost three decades he has devoted his research interests to the area of oilseed brassicas.

Dr. Gupta obtained his post-graduate degrees (M.Sc., Ph.D.) from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, in 1984 and 1987, respectively. He is the recipient of a post-doctoral fellowship in plant biotechnology, and has published more than 100 research papers in esteemed national and international journals, mostly on Brassicas. He has already developed eight varieties of rapeseed- mustard. In addition, he has written two books on plant breeding and edited eight books on Rapeseed Breeding-Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 45, Academic Press, Elsevier Publishers. For his excellent scientific endeavours, he has been conferred with the Young Scientist Award: 1993-1994 by the State Department of Science and Technology.

1.  Introduction

2.  Organic Farming (Biodynamic farming): History, Benefits and its Scope in India

3.  History and Importance of Organic Farming

4.  Introduction of Organic Farming and Its Relevance in India and J&K

5.  Growing Areas and Crops of Organic Farming in India

6.  Organic Vegetables Farming

7.  Organic Farming and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants

8.  Organic Farming: A Way of Food Security

9.  Role of Rural Women in Sustainable Agriculture through Organ Farming

10.  Grow Rose Flowers Organically

11.  Growing Pulses in Organic Agriculture

12.  Horticulture in Ancient India: A Way of Organic Farming

13.  Protecting the Degraded Land of the Indian Himalayan Region Through Organic Farming

14.  Agroforestry: An Organic Approach

15.  Appendices

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