Temperate Vegetables: Volume 09 : Horticulture Series - Volume 09

authored by: Dipika Sahoo & Bhimasen Naik
Browse all books of Dipika Sahoo | Bhimasen Naik
ISBN: 9788119002566 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 390 | Language: English | Copyright: 2023
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 24 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 675 GMS
USD 294.00 USD 265.00
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Cool-Season Vegetables, Frost-Tolerant Crops, Moderate Climate Produce, Chilled Zone Harvest, Subtropical Greens, Cold-Adapted Vegetables, Temperate Zone Edibles, Mild Weather Harvest, Four-Season Vegetables, Non-Tropical Crops, Cold-Resistant Veggies, Subpolar Produce, Chilling Climate Greens, Northern Hemisphere Vegetables, Autumnal Harvest, Winter Vegetables, Springtime Crops, Cool Weather Edibles, Freezing Zone Veggies, Cold-Grown Greens, Moderate Climate Harvest, Frost-Enduring Vegetables, Perennial Chilling Crops, Hardiness Zone Greens, Icy Region Produce

This book is divided into two main sections: Part-I, which focuses on General Considerations, and Part-II, which covers Production Technology.
Part-I comprises a chapter that provides an overview of the subject matter, while Part-II is divided into six sections, each of which covers the production technology of 21 temperate vegetables, including cole crops, bulb crops, root crops, fabaceous vegetables, leafy vegetables, and perennial vegetables.
Each crop is detailed in terms of cultivar selection, climate and soil requirements, sowing time and rate, field preparation and planting, spacing, nutrient management, water and weed management, use of chemicals and growth regulators, intercultural practices, crop protection, harvesting, yield, and post-harvest handling and marketing.
The book is written in a clear and concise style, making it accessible to beginners in the field.
It is also accompanied by tables and photographs, and questions are included at the end of each chapter for outcomes assessment purposes.
Overall, this book is an invaluable resource for students, field personnel, and anyone interested in forest nursery activities.

Dipika Sahoo (b 1976) obtained B.Sc. (Ag.)  and M.Sc. (Ag.) in Horticulture from Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar in 1998 and 2000 respectively, and Ph.D. from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in 2012. She has qualified ICAR-NET two times in 2004 and 2006 in Vegetable Science.  She has done PGDAEM from MANAGE, Hyderabad in 2011 and Diploma course in Agri-clinic & Agribusiness Centres, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India in 2004. She started her carrier in the Water Technology Centre for the Eastern Region (now Indian Institute of Water Management), Bhubaneswar as Research Assistant in 2001 and as Research Associate in 2004. She joined Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology in 2006, and worked as Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) in KVKs and Assistant Professor (Horticulture) at College of Agriculture, Bhawanipatna and is presently working as Associate Professor (Vegetable Science) at College of Horticulture, Chiplima since 2015. She has been awarded for her contribution to teaching, research and extension in the field of Horticulture like Best Extension Scientist, Best Oral Paper Presentation Award, K C Das Memorial Award-2012, Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award, Odisha Women’s Conclave 2015, Best Teacher Award on the occasion of 7th International Conference on “Opportunities and Challenges in Agriculture, Environmental and Biosciences for Global Development” held on October 29-31, 2022 at Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Goa by College of Horticulture and Forestry, CAU, Pasighat; Central University, Gujarat and Agro Environmental Development Society, and Woman of Excellence Award in recognition of outstanding professional achievement in the field of “HORTICULTURE” by Indian Achievers’ Forum. She has guided five M.Sc. (Ag) students and presently guiding two Ph.D. students. She has been selected as External Examiner for Final Viva-Voice of M.Sc. (Ag) students of different Agriculture Universities and question setter for several State Level and National Level Competitive Examinations. She has published 35 research papers in national and international journals, and 25 abstracts in national and international conferences, seminars and symposiums. She has to her credit 1 book, 4 book chapters in the book “Vegetable Crop Science” edited by M. K. Rana, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York in 2018 along with 7 book chapters in different books of national repute, two practical manuals of OUAT along with several leaflets and popular articles for farmers of Odisha. She has also delivered several radio and television talks.

Prof. Bhimasen Naik (b.1961) hails from an agri-horticultural family of Western Odisha (Village: Jamtalia, Tehsil: Sundargarh, District: Sundargarh). He obtained B.Sc. (Ag. & A.H.) and M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur in 1981 and 1983, respectively, and Ph.D. from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in1999. He has been awarded ICAR Junior Research Fellowship and CSIR Senior Research Fellowship during his studies. He is a Fellow of the Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding, New Delhi; and life member of the Crop Improvement Society of India, Ludhiana; the Indian Society of Plant Breeders, Coimbatore; the Society for Advancement of Rice Research, Hyderabad; the Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad and the Society for Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology, New Delhi. He joined Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) as Research Assistant at Regional Research Station (later renamed Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station), Semiliguda, Koraput in 1984. Then he worked as Junior Breeder (Assistant Professor) at High Altitude Research Station, OUAT, Pottangi, Koraput (1984-1990); Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) at College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar (1990-1998); Training Associate (Horticulture)/Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kendrapara (1998-1999); Junior Breeder/Assistant Professor (Senior Scale), Associate Professor and Professor at Regional Research and Technology Transfer Sub-Station (RRTTSS), OUAT, Jashipur, Mayurbhanj (1999-2010); Professor at Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station (RRTTS), OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur (2010-2021); Associate Director of Research, RRTTS, OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur (2010-2014); and Associate Dean, College of Horticulture, OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur (2016-2017). He retired from OUAT service in January 2021. He has worked on breeding and genetics of ginger, turmeric, mungbean, linseed and rice. He has more than 36 years of teaching, research and extension experience at Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology. He has 56 research papers published in peer-reviewed national and international journals, 23 abstracts of symposia, 8 books, 1 book chapter (Springer-Nature) and 20 popular articles to his credit. He has guided one M.Sc. (Ag.) and one Ph.D. student. He is associated in the development of five cultivars in ginger (Suruchi), turmeric (Surama, Ranga and Rashmi) and linseed (Arpita); collaborated in the development of three cultivars in rice (Ashutosh, Gobinda and Hasanta) and registered one genetic stock of mungbean (BSN 1, INGR 0001)

Part I: General Considerations: 1. Temperate Vegetables: An Overview Part II: Production Technology, Section I: Cole Crops, 2. Production Technology of Cabbage, 3.     Production Technology of Cauliflower, 4. Production Technology of Knol Khol,  5. Production Technology of Sprouting Broccoli,  6. Production Technology of Brussels Sprout, 7. Production Technology of Chinese Cabbage,Section II: Bulb Crops, 8. Production Technology of Onion,  9. Production Technology of Garlic, 10. Production Technology of Leek, Section III: Root Crops,11. Production Technology of Radish ,12.  Production Technology of Carrot, 13. Production Technology of Beet Root,14. Production Technology of Turnip, Section IV: Fabaceous Vegetables, 15. Production Technology of Pea, 16. Production Technology of Broad Bean,Section V: Leafy Vegetables,17. Production Technology of Lettuce ,18. Production Technology of Palak, 19. Production Technology of Spinach, Section VI: Perennial Vegetables, 20. Production Technology of Asparagus, 21. Production  Technology of Globe Artichoke, 22. Production Technology of Rhubarb Bibliography

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