The book provides a comprehensive overview of the agromet advisory services process, which encompasses the interpretation of weather forecasts, the collection of data for initialization and verification, and the presentation of the information in a form that is relevant to farmers and other stakeholders. The book also demonstrates how agro advisory bulletins based on regional weather forecasts can be utilized to plan various farm operations, including field preparation, sowing, irrigation scheduling, fertilizer application, and overall crop and livestock management, based on the expected weather conditions. Furthermore, the book emphasizes the beneficial role of agro-meteorology in enhancing the income of farmers and ensuring food security in various agricultural and allied sectors, while also addressing the impact of extreme weather events such as floods and droughts, as well as the changes in water resources resulting from climate change.
Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist, Department of Agronomy, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bihar, India
1. Water Resources and Climate Change: Future Research 2. Role of Weather Forecast in Indian Agriculture 3. Dissemination of Agrometeorological Advisory 4. Weather Forecast and Livestock/Poultry Management 5. Agromet Advisory: To Combat the Effect of Extreme Weather Events 6. Agromet Advisory to Mitigate Impact of Climate Change 7. Contingent Crop Planning in Flood and Drought Condition in Bihar