This book has been composed with the intention of bringing attention to the integration of renewable energy in all sectors for sustainable development. The objective of this publication is to investigate the extensive range of viewpoints pertaining to renewable energy sources for sustainable development and their implications. The authors have clarified and simplified renewable energy technologies and new theories for sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development has been characterized by a focus on environmental concerns and their interconnections with renewable energy sources.
In contemporary society, there is a need to establish an organized approach to studying the subject matter in a systematic manner. The built environment significantly contributes to society and thus development in a holistic manner. The integration of renewable energy sources is a crucial factor in determining whether a community is sustainable in the long term or not. This book emphasizes various aspects of energy planning, including energy assessment, energy integration, energy forecasting, energy modeling, computer modeling, and techno-economic analysis of both conventional and non-conventional renewable energy sources. The information presented in this book aims to provide an understanding of integrated energy planning, including its design, development, implementation, monitoring, and feedback evaluation. This book will be beneficial for those involved in energy planning and related activities.
N.S. Rathore: Professor (Renewable Energy) and Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), India.
N.L. Panwar: Assistant Professor: Department of Renewable Energy Sources, College of Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), India
1. Introduction 2. Integrated Energy Planning 3. Survey Methodology for Energy Demand and Supply 4. Energy Integration 5. Approaches for Integrated Rural Energy Systems 6. Energy Forecasting 7. Modelling for Rural Energy Planning 8. Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Application 9. Solar Photovoltaic Technology 10. Energy from Biomass 11. Biodiesel-Energy Options 12. Biogas Technology 13. Harnessing the Power from Wind 14. Improved Cookstoves 15. Fuel Cell Technology 16. Techno-economic Analysis of Energy Options