Roots of Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology

authored by: P. Jaisridhar
Browse all books of P Jaisridhar
ISBN: 9789358871784 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 238 | Language: English | Copyright: 2025
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 17.37 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 370 GMS
USD 202.00 USD 182.00
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In the complex tapestry of rural life, understanding its sociology and psychology is essential for effective engagement and development. "Roots of Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology" is a compendium of lectures that delve into the intricacies of these fields and their significance in agricultural extension.

Sociology forms the cornerstone of our exploration, illuminating the essence of rural communities. From unravelling the meaning and scope of rural sociology to deciphering the interplay between rural sociology and agricultural extension, this book navigates through Indian rural society's vital characteristics, differences from urban counterparts, and the pivotal role of social groups, stratification, and institutions in agricultural development.

"Roots of Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology" is more than a mere academic exercise; it is a roadmap for practitioners, educators, and policymakers navigating the complexities of rural development. By weaving together sociological insights and psychological principles, this book aims to empower those engaged in agricultural extension with the knowledge and tools necessary to foster sustainable growth and prosperity in rural communities

P. Jaisridhar, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Extension, Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

1. Exploring the Nexus of Sociology, Rural Sociology, and Agricultural Extension in Indian Context    
2. Understanding Social Groups in Agricultural Extension    
3. Exploring Social Stratification: Definitions, Functions, and Forms    
4. Culture and its Tapestry of Customs, Taboos, and Traditions in Agricultural Extension    
5. Cultivating Change: Exploring the Significance of Social Values and Attitudes in Agricultural Extension    
6. Unveiling the Pillars: Exploring Social Institutions in Rural Society and their Impact on Agricultural Extension    
7. Harmony in Growth: Exploring the Role of Social Organizations in Agricultural Extension    
8. Sympathizing Social Control and Social Change: Definitions, Necessities, and Mechanisms    
9. Mastering Leadership: Understanding, Classifying, and Cultivating Effective Leaders    
10. Empowering Agricultural Leaders: Exploring Training Methods, Benefits, and Challenges of Utilizing Local Leadership in Extension    
11. Ploughing Minds on the Crucial Role of Educational Psychology in Agricultural Extension    
12. Harvesting Brilliance: Unravelling the Essence of Intelligence and its Vital Role in Agricultural Extension    
13. Unveiling the Power of Personality: Exploring Definitions, Types, and Impact in Agricultural Extension Teaching    
14. Unlocking Learning: Exploring Teaching, Learning, and the Dynamics of Education    
15. Bridging the Divide: Understanding Rural Society's Unique Features    
16. Leveraging Roleplay to Gather Data from Farmers    
17. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)    
18. Exploring Data: Surveying the Terrain Through Questionnaires and Interviews    
19. Bibliography    

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