Conservation of Tropical Fruit Tree Genetic Resources with a Focus on Utilization

authored by: V. Ramanatha Rao
ISBN: 9789358874167 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 40 | Language: English | Copyright: 2023
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 7.08 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 210 GMS
USD 67.00 USD 61.00
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Tropical fruit tree conservation, Genetic resources preservation, Utilization strategies for fruit trees, Biodiversity conservation in tropical orchards, Sustainable tropical fruit farming, Genetic diversity in fruit tree species, Conservation practices for tropical fruits, Orchard management for genetic resources, Ex-situ conservation of tropical fruit trees, In-situ preservation of genetic diversity, Tropical fruit tree ecology, Reproductive biology of fruit trees, Conservation genetics of tropical fruits, Climate-resilient fruit tree varieties, Agroforestry for tropical fruit conservation, Conservation through participatory approaches, Indigenous knowledge in fruit tree preservation, Tropical fruit gene banks, Conservation of rare fruit tree varieties, Utilizing wild relatives in fruit tree breeding, Integrated pest management in orchards, Conservation education in tropical farming, Sustainable utilization of fruit tree germplasm, Tropical fruit breeding programs, Ethnobotany of tropical fruit trees

The ATPBR Foundation is a registered non-profit organization based in India that collaborates with the seed industry, institutions, NGOs, and government bodies to provide training in plant breeding and develop future-ready plant breeders. It is India's leading networking training organization with expertise and resources for capacity building, market linkages, policy advocacy, and project management. The main objective of ATPBR is to develop a sustainable and thriving agricultural system that serves farmers, supports emerging entrepreneurs, and assists industries in building market-driven competencies in human resources. ATPBR is open to collaborating with a diverse range of organizations, academic and research institutions, NGOs, independent professionals, and aspires to meet the intellectual needs to make crop improvement an attractive and lucrative domain for all concerned.

The ATPBR WebCon series is a platform that brings eminent plant breeders who have achieved success in plant breeding and other related areas such as policy and administration, to meet practicing and potential plant breeders regularly every month. These web-based conferences have been highly successful, as evidenced by the large number of participants from India and outside of India. The WebCon series captures the presentations in a published format, which includes the key messages delivered by the speakers, and are available on the ATPBR website.

V. Ramanatha Rao, Former Senior Scientist, Bioversity International  and Co-Founder, GRSV Consulting Services

Conservation of Tropical Fruit Tree Genetic Resources with a Focus on Utilization

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