Gayathri Devaraja: Professor of Microbiology Director, IQAC, Davanagere University Shivagangothri, Davanagere- 577002, Karnataka, India
1. Fundamentals of Probiotics
2. Prebiotics, Synbiotics & Nutraceuticals
3. Taxonomy of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria
4. The Ecology of Lactobacilli in the Gastrointestinal Tract
5. Exopolysaccharide production by intestinal Lactobaciili
6. Uses of probiotics in controlling various types of microbial infections; bacterial therapeutics for the treatment and prevention of Urogenital infections
7. Genome sequences: Approaches to genome wide analysis of gut bacteria
8. Probiotics: enzymes; industrial applications
9. Diversity of Nisin producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Fermented Foods
10. New Insights on the role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in immune modulation