Welcome to the vibrant world of horticulture, where science, art, and nature converge. In this book, you’ll explore the cutting-edge innovations transforming how we cultivate, nurture, and harvest our planet’s green bounty. Horticulture has evolved from simple gardening to a high-tech industry guided by data, robotics, and genetic advancements. From smart greenhouses that optimize climate conditions to vertical farms growing crops in urban landscapes, this book highlights the future of sustainable agriculture. You'll discover how biological pest control, powered by beneficial insects, is replacing harmful chemicals, and how vertical farming is reshaping food production in cities. As the global population grows, the demand for fresh, nutritious food increases, making horticulture essential for our future. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a curious newcomer, this journey through innovation will inspire you to cultivate smarter and join the horticultural renaissance. Let’s explore the future of food together.
P. K. Yadav: Professor & Head, Department of Horticulture College of Agriculture, S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner-334006 Rajasthan,India
1. Status of Micro-irrigation in India by B. D. Sharma
2. Irrigation Management in Fruit Crops by Jitendra Singh and Kalpana Choudhary
3. Seed Spices for Health Promoting Nutraceuticals by S. N. Saxena
4. Role of Organic Farming in Water Conservation by S. K. Sharma, Gajanand Jat, Roshan Choudhary and Raj Kumar Fagodiya
5. Tunnel Technology: A Boon to Vegetable Growers in Arid Zone by B.R. Choudhary and A.K. Verma
6. Lasoda (Cordia sp.) by P. K. Yadav, Bhagchand Yadav and Sheetal Rawat
7. Date Palm: Challenges and Strategies for Quality Production in Western Rajasthan by R.S. Rathore, Priyanka Kumawat and Bhavana Dhakar
8. Advances in Rootstock Research for Overcoming Abiotic Stresses by O.P. Awasthi
9. Advances in Production Technology Irrigation and Nutrient Management in Pomegranate by R. Kumar, J.S. Gora, M.K. Berwal and K.L. Kumawat
10. Advances in Ber Cultivation by D. K. Sarolia, K. L. Kumawat, M. K. Choudhary, H. Krishna
and L. Kumar
11. Seed Production in Major Seed Spices of Arid Zone by N. K. Sharma
12. Harnessing the Potential of Arid Fruits and Vegetables for Skill Development by Vimla Dunkwal and Divya Raghuwanshi
13. Technological Interventions for Biosaline Horticulture in Arid and Semi-arid Regions by M. L. Soni, N. D. Yadava, Birbal, N. S. Nathawat, V. S. Rathore, P. K. Yadav, V. Subbulakshmi, and K. R. Sheetal
14. Breeding for Abiotic Stress Resistance with Special Reference to Vegetables by A. K. Sharma and Komal Shekhawat
15. Drip Irrigation in Horticulture Crops by A. K. Shukla, M. B. Noor Mohamed, R. S. Mehta, A. Keerthika, and Kamla K. Choudhary
16. Innovative and Low-cost Technologies for Improving Productivity of Vegetable Crops by D. K. Samadia, A. K. Verma, Hanuman Ram, and P.S. Gurjar
17. Economic Importance of Salt-tolerant Shrubs of Hot, Arid Region by J. P. Singh and V. S. Rathore
18. Roleof Non-conventional Water Saving Devicesin Arid Fruits and Vegetables by N. D.Yadava and M. L. Soni
19. Management of Agri-horticultural Genetic Resources in Arid Region of India by V. S. Meena, Vinod Kumar, Kartar Singh, Neelam Shekhawat, Kirti Rani, Narender Negi, and Pankaj Kannoujia
20. IoT for Precision Floriculture by L.N. Mahawer and Saddam Husain
21. Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Horticulture by Jitendra Singh
22. High-density Planting in Arid and Semi-arid Fruit Crops by D. S. Mishra, A. K. Singh, and D.K. Samadia
23. Use of Inductively Coupled Plasma—Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) for Soil Analysis by S.K. Kharia, Anirudh Choudhary, and Lakshya Choudhary