The greatest concern of the entire world is the sound and wholesome development of youngsters as they are the backbone of the human resource pool of any nation. Soundness and integrity of any person lies deep in his/her holistic wellbeing that comprise physical and mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing not only focus upon a single dimension of personality, it encompasses all the internal and external dispositions. It is the core of personal, intellectual, social, and emotional orientations of a person,that affects overall development.
This book is an effort to encompass all data and facts of multiple dimensions of mental wellbeing under an umbrella. This book presents the clear conception of mental wellbeing, its interaction with multiple aspects of human life, adjustment, satisfaction, its etiology and of course effective and customized preventive and curative measures to preserve and promote the mental wellbeing of youngsters.
Suvidha: is an Associate Professor in the Department of Home Science at Banasthali Vidyapith. She has been in the profession for more than 26 years.
A total of eight PhDs have been awarded under her guidance till date, out of which five are specifically in the area of mental well- being. She has nearly 40 published papers in peer reviewed and Scopus indexed journals. Besides, she is has also written 8 book chapters for reputed publishers. She is in the editorial board of peer reviewed journals. She was honoured with the excellence service award by INSO (an International Research Award on Science, Technology and Management) in December 2022.
1: Mental wellbeing: Theoretical backdrop
2: Mental wellbeing in contemporary scenario
3: Mental wellbeing, life satisfaction and adjustment in youngsters
4: Etiology of mental issues
5: Hazards to mental wellbeing
6: Diagnosis of mental health issues
7: Mental health disorders in children and youth
8: Salient psychotherapeutic approaches to treatment of mental disorders
9: Lifestyle and mental wellbeing
10: Preserving the mental wellbeing of youth
11: Remedial measures for mental health issues