Quality of Work Life in Libraries: Issues and Prospects

authored by: A. Naseer & B Mini Devi
ISBN: 9789361341397 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 98 | Language: English | Copyright: 2025
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 10.09 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: PMW (PUBLISH MY WORK) | Weight: 310 GMS
USD 96.00 USD 87.00
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university libraries, human resource management, information demands, qwl, modified walton's criteria, job enrichment, job enlargement, service quality, decision-makers, faculty members, research scholars, lis professionals, effectiveness, library services, historical development, india, data analysis, interpretation, findings, conclusion

University libraries are service-oriented institutions that rely on effective human resource management to meet the information demands and expectations of their user community. In this study, the QWL of university libraries has been assessed using Modified Walton's eight-point criteria, which include indicators such as job enrichment, job enlargement, and service quality. This book has been organized into seven chapters and includes a bibliography, making it a valuable resource for decision-makers, faculty members, research scholars, LIS professionals, and anyone interested in improving the effectiveness of university library services at all levels.

A. Naseer: Assistant Librarian Kerala Agricultural University College of Agriculture, Vellayani Thiruvananthapuram

B. Mini Devi: Assistant Professor Department of Library & Information Science and Honorary Director, Centre for Information Literacy Studies University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram

1. Introduction 2. Review of Literature 3. Historical Development of University Libraries in India 4. Quality of Work Life: An Overview 5. Profile of Selected University Libraries in Kerala 6. Data Analysis and Interpretation 7. Findings and Conclusion

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