Advances and Challenges in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

authored by: T. Rathakrishnan, M. Israel Thomes & L. Nirmala
ISBN: 9789380235035 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 490 | Language: English | Copyright: 2009
Length: 191 mm | Breadth: 37.4 mm | Height: 235 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1200 GMS
USD 201.00 USD 181.00
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book, advances, challenges, agricultural extension, rural development, education, technology, administration, management, human relations, participatory approaches, trends, strategies, technology transfer, research methodology.

The book "Advances and Challenges in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development" explores a range of topics, including extension education, extension educational technology, administration and management, human relations in development administration and human resource development, participatory approaches, recent trends in extension techniques, extension strategies for addressing the changing agricultural landscape and rural development, technology transfer efforts, and cutting-edge research methodology. This book will serve as a valuable resource for extension and rural development workers, enabling them to develop and implement effective communication strategies. Additionally, it will be beneficial to students studying extension and rural development, as well as researchers, planners, and policymakers who need to make decisions related to agricultural extension and rural development.

T. Rathakrishnan: Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, Agricultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University) Madurai-624 104, Tamil Nadu, India

M. Israel Thomas: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Kerala Agricultural University, Munnuthy, Thrissur-680 651, Kerala,India

L. Nirmala: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, Agricultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University) Madurai-624 104, Tamil Nadu, India

1. Extension education. 2. Educational technology. 3. Administration and management theories. 4. Human relation in development administration and human resource management. 5. Recent advances in research methodology. 6. Participatory approaches. 7. Recent approaches in extension techniques. 8. Extension strategies for changing agricultural scenario. 9. Extension challenges for market oriented farming. 10. Transfer of technology efforts: problem tree analysis.

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