General Animal Surgery and Anaesthesiology (With Theory and Practicals)

authored by: A.K. Gangwar, Naveen Kumar & Kh. Sangeeta Devi
ISBN: 9789380235172 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 428 | Language: English | Copyright: 2010
Length: 191 mm | Breadth: 29.8 mm | Height: 235 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 950 GMS
USD 112.00 USD 101.00
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The book has been written by consulting a number of standard textbooks and journals from the related field. In order to make the text more meaningful, several illustrations and photographs have been incorporated at appropriate places.

A.K. Gangwar: Assistant Professor (Clinics), College of Veterinary Science, N.D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Faziabadh-224 221, Uttar Pradesh, India

Naveen Kumar: Principal Scientist, Department of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India ;

Kh. Sangeeta Devi: Assistant Professor Clinics) College of Veterinary Science, N.D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Faziabadh-224 221, Uttar Pradesh, India

Section I. Theory. A. General Surgery: 1. Historical aspects and introduction 2. Pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative consideration of a surgical patient 3. Sterilization 4. Suture materials and suture patterns 5. Fluid therapy 6. Shock 7. Fracture 8. Wound 9. Burn 10. Hernia (Dr. A.K. Sharma) 11. Inflammation 12 Sprain, strain and bursitis 13. Arthritis 14. Luxation subluxation and dislocation 15. Diseases of arteries and veins. B. Anesthesiology 16. Historical aspects and general considerations 17. Preanesthetic agents 18. General anesthesia 19. Injectable anesthetics and their combinations used for general Anesthesia (Dr. Adarsh Kumar) 20. Inhalant anesthetics 21. Anesthetic emergencies and their management 22. Endotrachael intubation (Adarsh Kumar) 23. Muscle relaxants 24. Local anesthetics 25. Local anesthetics techniques 26. Acupuncture

Section II. Objective: 1. General consideration for set up of an operation theatre (OT) 2. Preparation of general surgical pack 3. Familiarization with udder and teat instruments 4. Familiarization with orthopedic instruments 5. Familiarization with ophthalmic instruments 6. Familiarization with Hoof instruments 7. Familiarization with Dental instruments 8. To study different types of catheters and their applications 9. Restraining and positioning of animals for surgical interventions 10. Familiarization with different apparatuses used for general anesthesia 11. Preparation, calculation and induction of general anesthesia 12. Demonstration monitoring of general anesthesia and management of anesthetic emergencies 13. Hemorrhage and hemostasis 14. Bandages and slings 15. Demonstration of monitoring of general anesthesia 16. Anesthesia for laboratory and wild animals 17. Restraining of animals 18. Miscellaneous instruments

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