Engineering and General Geology

authored by: P.T. Sawant
ISBN: 9789380235516 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 484 | Language: English | Copyright: 2011
Length: 191 mm | Breadth: 33.3 mm | Height: 235 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1085 GMS
USD 138.00 USD 125.00
USD 69.00 USD 63.00
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undergraduate, postgraduate, science, engineering, civil engineering, geology, specializations, lectures, syllabus, universities, b sc, m sc, m tech, principles, practicing engineers, introduction, physical geology, mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, tectonics, engineering geology

This book has been designed to benefit all undergraduate and postgraduate students in the faculties of science and engineering. It is particularly relevant to students of civil engineering, geology, and related specializations, and is based on a course of lectures that cover the syllabus of engineering geology courses in universities across the country. The book will also be useful for students in other universities who are studying civil engineering. The engineering geology section of the book is also relevant to students studying geology at the B.Sc, M.Sc, and M.Tech levels, and provides a simple introduction to the principles of geology that are important for engineering purposes. Practicing engineers who need a basic understanding of geology for their work will also find this book useful.

P.T. Sawant: Head, Department of Geology, Walchand College, Solapur - 413 006, Maharashtra, India

Section 1. Introduction Section 2. Physical geology Section 3. Mineralogy Section 4. Peterology Section 5. Structural geology Section 6. Tectonics Section 7. Engineering geology  

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