Advances in Harvest and Postharvest Technology of Fish

edited by: D.D. Nambudari & K.V.Peter
Browse all books of K.V.Peter
ISBN: 9789381450093 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 468 | Language: English | Copyright: 2012
Length: 191 mm | Breadth: 32.3 mm | Height: 235 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1080 GMS
USD 167.00 USD 151.00
USD 67.00 USD 61.00
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India, fisheries, advancements, fishing vessels, line materials, preservation, oceanographic-sensor equipment, satellite technology, post-harvest technology, energy-efficient, value-added products, human resources, vocational skills, entrepreneurial skills, employment opportunities.

In recent years, India has made significant advancements in the fisheries sector. The refinement of fishing vessels, the use of new line materials and line-handling systems, the preservation of catch, the availability of oceanographic-sensor equipment, and the utilization of satellite technology to locate potential fishing grounds have all contributed to a significant improvement in the fishing power of longline vessels.

The post-harvest technology for fish has also evolved in the last decade to a more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and quality-enhancing technology. The development of technology for post-harvest preservation and the methodology for converting fish to value-added products has become increasingly popular in recent times, as fresh fish can spoil very quickly.

Value addition is necessary to obtain a higher price for fishery products. It is essential to develop competent human resources in the field of post-harvest management of fish and the production of value-added products. Vocational and entrepreneurial skills should be inculcated to widen employment opportunities, particularly among rural youth and disadvantaged sections of society, and to enable self-employment.

D.D. Nambudiri: Former Dean , College of Fisheries, Kerala Agricultural University, P.O. Panangad, Cochin-682 024, Kerala, India

Professor K.V. Peter: Former Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University, P.O. KAU, Thrisur-680 656, Kerala, India

01: Recent Advances in Fishing Craft Technology by Latha Shenoy -02: Technologies for Responsible Fishing by M.R. Boopendranath-03: Tuna Harvesting and Processing Technology by George Skoutarides-04: Fish Lipids by P.M. Sherief -05: Fish Proteins by T.V. Sankar -06: Microbiology of Fish Spoilage by G. Jeyasekaran and R. Jeya Shakila-07: Surimi and Surimi Based Products-08: Fish Canning – Principles and Practice by Sajan George-09: Chitin, Chitosan and Glucosamine Hydrochloride by K.G.Ramachandran Nair -10: Prawn Analogue by M.K. Venu -11: Coated Products by George Ninan -12: Value Addition in Fish Processing by R. Jeya Shakila and D.D. Nambudiri -13: Recent Trends in Seafood Packaging by T.K. Srinivasa Gopal and C.N. Ravishankar -14: Hygiene and Sanitation in Seafood Safety by Femeena Hassan -15: Biological Hazards in Seafood by Sanjeev. S -16: HACCP in Seafood Industry by N. Anandavally

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