Physiological Disorders of Fruit Crops

authored by: Sandhu Savreet & Bikramjit Singh Gill
ISBN: 9789381450581 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 220 | Language: English | Copyright: 2013
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 19.6 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 620 GMS
USD 101.00 USD 91.00
USD 50.00 USD 45.00
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physiological disorders, abiotic disorders, environmental factors, temperature, soil nutrients, soil minerals, soil ph, poor drainage, plant growth, non-infectious, irreversible, deficiency, excess, non-transmissible, pathogens

Physiological or abiotic disorders are primarily caused by environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, unbalanced soil nutrients, excess or deficiency of specific soil minerals, extreme soil pH, and poor drainage. These types of disorders are distinct from others as they are not caused by living organisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, or insects, but rather by non-living environmental factors that result in abnormal plant growth. Physiological disorders often lead to physical or chemical changes in plants that are far removed from normal growth and are typically caused by external factors. While some non-infectious disorders are easy to identify, others can be difficult or impossible to recognize. Once they occur, most physiological disorders are irreversible.

To identify physiological disorders, it is important to understand that: a) They are often caused by a deficiency or excess of factors that support life or the presence of something that interferes with life. b) They can affect plants at any stage of development. c) They are non-transmissible, occurring in the absence of infectious agents. d) Plants respond differently to the same agent, sometimes with a mild reaction and other times with severe reaction or death. e) Dealing with physiological disorders often involves addressing the consequences of past events. f) Damaged and undamaged tissue is typically clearly delineated. g) Physiological disorders not only cause damage themselves, but also serve as an entry point for pathogens.

1. Introduction 2. Aonla 3. Apple 4. Apricot 5. Avocado 6. Bael 7. Banana 8. Ber 9. Breadfruit 10. Carambola 11. Cashew nut 12. Cherry 13. Citrus 14. Coconut 15. Custard apple 16. Date palm 17. Durian 18. Fig 19. Grape 20. Guava 21. Hazelnut 22. Jackfruit 23. Jamun 24. Kiwi fruit 25. Litchi 26. Loquat 27. Mango 28. Mangosteen 29. Olive 30. Papaya 31. Passion fruit 32. Peach 33. Pear 34. Pecan nut 35. Persimmon 36. Pineapple 37. Plum 38. Pomegranate 39. Raspberry 40. Sapota 41. Strawberry 42. Walnut

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