Advances in Protected Cultivation

edited by: Brahma Singh, Balraj Singh, Naved Sabir & Murtaza Hansan
ISBN: 9789383305179 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 252 | Language: English | Copyright: 2014
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 19.5 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 835 GMS
USD 136.00 USD 123.00
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protected cultivation, india, agriculture, environmental conditions, land resources, water resources, design, construction, maintenance, production techniques, scientists, researchers, institutions, greenhouse, vegetable cultivation, technological advancements.

Little scholarly literature exists on protected cultivation in India, despite it being a crucial aspect of agriculture. Protected cultivation has considerable potential in the face of changing environmental conditions and limited land and water resources. The book offers comprehensive and succinct information on the design, construction, and maintenance of protected structures and production techniques in protected cultivation. It features contributions from renowned scientists and researchers from esteemed institutions such as DIHAR-DRDO, ICAR, CIAE, CIPHET, CPCT, IIVR, CAZRI, NRCs, and various SAUs.

Brahma Singh: President, Indian Society for Protected Cultivation, Former Director, Life Sciences, DRDO, New Delhi, India

Balraj Singh: Presently Vice Chancellor, S.K.N.University of Agriculture, Jobner, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Director, National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Ajmer-305 206 Rajasthan

Naved Sabir: Principal Scientist, National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, (PUSA) New Delhi, 110 012 India

Murtaza Hasan: Senior Scientist, Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012


01. Strategies for Promoting Protected Cultivation in India 02. DRDO—Harbinger of Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops in India 03. Automation for Climate Control in Protected Structures 04. Design and Construction of Greenhouse in India 05. Protected Cultivation of Vegetables in Southern India 06. Design of Protected Structures and Drip Fertigation System for Indian Conditions 07. Solar Thermal Modeling of Greenhouse Environment for Protected Cultivation 08. Greenhouse Technology for Vegetable Cultivation in Cold Desert Environment: Learnings from Ladakh 09. Vegetable Nursery Raising under Protected Environment 10. Breeding Solanaceous Vegetables for Protected Cultivation 11. Production Technology for Vegetables under Protected Conditions 12. Advances in Research in Protected Cultivation of Cut Flowers 13. Advances in Protected Cultivation of Vegetables in Kerala 14. Improved Vegetable Varieties/Hybrids for Protected Cultivation in India 15. Production of Quality Seed of Vegetables under Protected Conditions—Technological Advancements 16. Advances in Protected Production Technologies in Orchids 17. Protected Cultivation of Flowers in India 18. IPM in Vegetable Cultivation in Greenhouses 19. Bacillus spp. for Management of Carnation wilt under Protected Cultivation 20. Problems and Prospects of Floriculture under Protected Cultivation in Hills 21. Proceedings and Recommendations of the National Seminar on Advances in Protected Cultivation

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