Emerging Technologies of The 21st Century

authored by: Ajit Kumar Roy
ISBN: 9789383305339 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 854 | Language: English | Copyright: 2015
Length: 191 mm | Breadth: 57.06 mm | Height: 235 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1330 GMS
USD 277.00 USD 250.00
USD 139.00 USD 126.00
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biotechnology, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, expert system neural network, applied technologies, database, modeling, analytics, business intelligence software, ipr, social issues, emerging digital technologies, information and communication technology tools, 21st century education, big data, gis, knowledge management, patenting, indigenous knowledge

The book comprises 42 chapters that address various focus areas, including Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Nanotechnology, Expert System Neural Network, Applied Technologies, Database, Modeling, Analytics, and Business Intelligence Software, and IPR & Social Issues. Additionally, the book delves into Emerging digital technologies, Information and Communication Technology Tools, skills and technologies for 21st century Education, Big Data, Business Intelligence Software, GIS, IPR, and Knowledge/Patenting/Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge Management (KM) challenges. The book is divided into five broad sections, which cover the entire range of emerging technologies in respective fields.

Ajit Kumar Roy: National Consultant (Impact Assessment) for East and North East Region of India, National Agricultural Innovation Project (World Bank Funded), KAB-2, Pusa, New Delhi-110012

Section 1: Biotechnology, Section 2: Nanotechnology, Section 3: Expert System Neural Network, Section 4: Applied Technologies, Section 5: Database, Modeling, Analytics and Business Intelligence Software, Section 6: IPR & Social Issues

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