Water Resources Management for Enhancing Water Productivity

edited by: N.K. Gontia & H.D. Rank
ISBN: 9789383305728 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 252 | Language: English | Copyright: 2018
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 19.7 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 630 GMS
USD 221.00 USD 199.00
USD 110.00 USD 99.00
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The implementation of scientific methods for water management is crucial for increasing water productivity. To achieve this, it is necessary to have an understanding of water resource development and management, including rainwater management, groundwater recharge, groundwater development and management, agricultural drainage and soil reclamation, canal water management, modern irrigation systems, mulching technology, soil water management, land development and management, and watershed development and management using a people's participatory approach. This book, written by experts and trained scientists from various disciplines such as soil and water conservation, irrigation and drainage, agronomy, soil science, remote sensing and GIS, and groundwater, provides valuable insights for academics, engineers, field workers, and extension officers.

N.K. Gontia: Principal & Dean College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Junagadh Agricultural UniversityJunagadh-362 001, Gujarat.

H.D. Rank: Professor & Head and Research Engineer, AICRP-IWM Department of Soil and Water Engineering College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Junagadh Agricultural University Junagadh-362 001, Gujarat

1. Water Resources Management for Enhancing Water Productivity: An Overview, 2. Development of Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) of Wheat Crop for Scheduling Irrigation Using Infrared  hermometry, 3.  Water Management in Coastal Areas for Horticultural Crops, 4. Water Management for Vegetable and Fruit Crops, 5.Statistical Design for Experiments of Water Management Research, 6. Groundwater Management Under High Water Table Conditions,7. Water Quality Management in Inland Aqua-farming in Coastal Areas, 8. Prevailing Status, Modeling & Managerial Approaches of Soil Erosion With Specific Emphasis on Indian Coastal Regions, 9. Management of Salt Affected Soil,10. Applications of Plastic for Moisture Conservations in Saline Soil, 11. Moisture Conservation Through Sub-soiling,12. Drainage of Waterlogged Clay Soils, 13. Irrigation Water Quality Analysis in Relation to Soil and Crops, 14. Drought Analysis for Watershed Planning in Rainfed Areas, 15. Rainfall Analysis for Crop Planning, 16.  Watershed Gauging, 17. Meaning and Concept of People’s Participation

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