Milk and Its Public Health Implications

authored by: Rita Narayanan & B.Dhanalakshmi
Browse all books of Rita Narayan
ISBN: 9789386546029 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 186 | Language: English | Copyright: 2018
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 15.8 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 500 GMS
USD 156.00 USD 141.00
USD 78.00 USD 71.00
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food safety, health risks, clean milk production, public health, spoilage, pathogenic organisms, food contamination, prevention, control, microbiological aspects, laboratory manual, milk production, hygiene, starter culture, fermentation, bacteriophage, milk borne diseases, mastitis, antimicrobial systems, dairy equipment, quality control, milk legislation

Food safety is a pressing issue that has long posed significant health risks, and many of the challenges faced today are not new. Governments around the world are actively working to enhance the safety of the food supply. This book has been prepared to emphasize the importance of clean milk production, handling, and processing for public health. It provides a concise overview of the various practices that should be adopted for a comprehensive approach to safe market milk and milk products. The discussion on spoilage and pathogenic organisms will help students understand food contamination and the measures necessary for its prevention and control.

The laboratory manual includes experiments designed to train students in the microbiological aspects and safety of food.

Rita Narayanan Professor, Department of Livestock Product Technology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

B. Dhanalakshmi: Professor, Department of Livestock Product Technology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamilnadu,India

1. Introduction 2. Morphology of Microorganism 3. Growth of Microorganisms 4. Sources of Contamination of Milk and its Control 5. Hygienic Milk Production 6. Handling of Raw Milk 7. Starter Culture 8. Normal and Abnormal Fermentation 9. Bacteriophage 10. Milk Borne Diseases and Control Milk Borne Diseases: Infections, Intoxications and Toxi-Infections 11. Mastitis 12. Specific Diseases 13. Antimicrobial Systems in Milk 14. Hygienic Aspects of Dairy Equipment 15. Microbiological Quality Control for Milk and Milk Products 16. Milk Legislation Grading of Milk

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