Veterinary Anatomy: The Regional Gross Anatomy of Domestic Animals (Part I & II in Single Binding)

authored by: Vitthal R.Bhamburkar & Sanjay B. Banubakode
Browse all books of Vitthal R. Bhamburkar
ISBN: 9789386546487 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 840 | Language: English | Copyright: 2018
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 57.4 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1900 GMS
USD 306.00 USD 276.00
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veterinary anatomy, gross anatomy, regional approach, systemic anatomy, bovine animal, comparative anatomy, anatomical structures, applied anatomy, surgical techniques, diagnostic techniques, medical techniques, clinical disorders, animal body, volume, head and neck

This book employs a regional approach to teaching and studying veterinary gross anatomy, and has been divided into six parts. The first part covers the conventional systemic anatomy of veterinary anatomy, while the remaining five parts provide region-specific descriptions of gross anatomy. Each part includes descriptions of all anatomical structures, such as bones, joints, muscles, viscera, blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves, located in the respective regions of the animal body, including the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and fore and hind limbs. The bovine animal, or ox, has been selected as the model species for detailed descriptions of anatomical features, while major differences or remarkable features in other species, such as horses, dogs, sheep and goats, pigs, and fowl, are discussed in a separate section titled Comparative Anatomy at the end of each section. Additionally, a section on Applied Anatomy has been included at the end of each regional part, providing insight into the practical applications of anatomical features that form the basis of surgical, diagnostic, medical, and obstetrical techniques in solving clinical disorders, which is the primary goal of regional anatomy learning. Due to the book's distinctive features, it has become quite lengthy and has been split into two volumes. The first volume, Part-I, contains the first three parts: General Systemic Anatomy, Anatomy of the Head and Neck, and Anatomy of the Thorax. The second volume, Part-II, includes the remaining three parts: Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis, Anatomy of the Fore Limb, and Anatomy of the Hind Limb.

Vitthal R. Bhamburkar: Ex. Dean, Nagpur Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Seminary Hills, Nagpur – 440006, Maharashtra

Sanjay B. Banubakode: Associate Professor, Department Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, Nagpur Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Seminary Hills, Nagpur – 440006, Maharashtra

PART- I PART-1.1: GENERAL SYSTEMIC ANATOMY Section-A: Locomotor System Section-B: Splanchnology Section-C: Endocrine System Section-E: Nervous System PART-1.2: ANATOMY OF HEAD AND NECK Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component Section-B: Organs and Glands Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics Section-D: Nerves Section-E: Applied Anatomy PART-1.3: ANATOMY OF THORAX Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component Section-B: Thoracic Cavity and Viscera Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics Section-D: Nerves Section-E: Applied Anatomy

PART-II PART-2.1: ANATOMY OF ABDOMEN AND PELVIS Section-A: Musculo-skeletal Component Section B: Viscera Section-C: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics Section-E: Applied Anatomy PART-2.2: ANATOMY OF FORE LIMB Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component Section-B: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics Section-C: Nerves Section-D: Applied Anatomy PART-2.3: ANATOMY OF HIND LIMB Section-A: Musculo-Skeletal Component Section-B: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics Section-C: Nerves Section-D: Applied Anatomy

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