Textbook on Weed Science: Principles and Practices

authored by: A.Veeramani
ISBN: 9789387973664 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 370 | Language: English | Copyright: 2020
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 22.08 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 750 GMS
USD 202.00 USD 182.00
USD 101.00 USD 91.00
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weeds, agricultural losses, livestock, horticulture, food grain production, indian economy, weed management, crop production, weed biology, ecology, survey techniques, weed control methods, integrated weed management, herbicides, economic analysis

This book provides comprehensive information on weeds, including data on the losses caused by weeds in agricultural and related fields such as livestock and horticulture, as well as the national impact on food grain production in the Indian economy. It delves into the core area of weed management in crop production, covering weed biology, ecology, and survey techniques, including sampling methods. The book also discusses various weed control methods specific to crops in agriculture and horticulture. Additionally, it highlights the importance of integrated weed management and provides guidelines for farmers and extension workers to follow when making recommendations to those in need. The book also covers the history and classification of herbicides, as well as their characteristics and modes of action. It includes information on herbicide mixtures, rotations, and interactions, as well as the development of herbicide-resistant crops. The book also addresses weed shifts and their management, as well as economic analysis of weed management.

A.Veeramani, Professor is presently working at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

1.1. Introduction to Weeds, 1.2. Weed Biology, 1.3. Weed Ecology, 1.4. Weed Survey and Sampling Techniques, 2.1. Weed Control Methods, 2.2. Integrated Weed Management, 2.3. Herbicide History and Development,2.4.Classification and Characteristics of Herbicides, 2.5. Herbicides Application Techniques, 2.6. Mode of Action, Translocation and Absorption of Herbicides., 2.7. Herbicide Mixtures, Combinations, Rotations and  Interactions, 2.8. Herbicide Persistence and Residue Management, 2.9.  Herbicide Resistant Crops and Weeds, 3.1.  Weed Shift and Its Management, 4.1.  Economic Analysis of Weed Management Practices, Colour Plates,  Selected References

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