The Plant Mildews: A Colour Handbook

authored by: Suresh G Borkar & Ajayasree T.S.
ISBN: 9789389907018 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 414 | Language: English | Copyright: 2021
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 29.2 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 780 GMS
USD 294.00 USD 265.00
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plant mildews, downy mildew, powdery mildew, crop plants, mildew diseases, pathogen, host range, geographical distribution, disease symptoms, disease cycle, disease forecasting, management strategies, agricultural research, farming communities, crop disease impact

The book "The Plant Mildews" is composed of 24 chapters. 11 of these chapters focus on downy mildew diseases that affect various crop plants, with a total of 55 downy mildew diseases discussed. The remaining 13 chapters address powdery mildew diseases of different crops, covering a total of 92 powdery mildew diseases.

The book provides comprehensive information on 147 mildew diseases that affect crops around the world. For each mildew disease, the book includes details such as the pathogen responsible, the host range, geographical distribution, disease symptoms, the impact of the disease on epidemics and losses, the disease cycle, weather parameters, disease forecasting, and management strategies.

This book is unique in that it covers both downy mildew and powdery mildew diseases of crop plants, making it a valuable resource for researchers, students, extension workers, and farming communities.

Prof. S.G. Borkar, is an alumni of Indian Agricultural Research Institure New Delhi for his Masters and Doctorate degree in Plant Pathology (1977-1983), a French govt scholar for post-doctorate at INRA, Angers France in 1984, and had his Doctorate of Science (D.Sc) in Plant Pathology in 1999 from Internation University, Washington, USA.

He has 130 research publication published over the period of 40 years in 17 foreign and in 39 indian journals besides 5 university publications and 2 book chapters.Presented 29 scientific as well as Lead papers in national and international symposiums; published 7 books including USA publications, 6 patent, developed 4 wheat varieties, 2 documentary films, established 2 laboratories, 2 Museum, mentor 30 students for their masters and doctorate degrees and received 21 national and internation Awards for his contribution including a plant pathogenic klebsiella pneumoniae strain after his name by NCBI,USA.

He served in 3 agricultural universities in 2 states of India in various academic, scientific and administrative positions. Lead the wheat research in peninsular india as zonal-cordinator at national level for around 5 years and lead the university in plant pathology as a head of department for 10 years.Had previlage to work as Designated Inspection Authority of Plant Quarantine for Govt of India, for 10 years in Western Maharashtra region under the jurisdiction of Mahatma Phule Agriculture University, Rahuri Maharashtra, India.

Ajayasree T.S.Department of Plant Pathology Kerala Agricultural University P.O, N.H. 47, Vellanikkara, Thrissur -680656 Kerala, India

The book “The Plant Mildews” includes 24 chapters. 11 chapters are on downy mildews of various crop plants with 55 downy mildew diseases while 13 chapters are on powdery mildew diseases of various crops with 92 powdery mildew diseases. The mildew diseases around the world included in the book are 147 with detailed information on each mildew disease including pathogen responsible, its host range, geographical distribution, disease symptoms, epidemic and losses, disease cycle, weather parameters and disease forecasting, and disease managements. This is the only book on mildews of crop plants which include both downy mildew and powdery mildew diseases and will be useful for researcher, students, extension workers and farming communities.

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