Rainfed Agriculture: Principles and Practices

authored by: H.M. Jayadeva & B.K.Ramachandrappa
ISBN: 9789389907032 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 314 | Language: English | Copyright: 2021
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 23.3 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 675 GMS
USD 285.00 USD 257.00
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rainfed agriculture, soil conservation, water conservation, drought mitigation, rainwater harvesting, cropping systems, dryland agriculture, conservation agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, watershed management, meteorology, drought management strategies, climate classification, strategies and policies, dry land soils

The textbook endeavors to address a range of topics pertinent to rainfed agriculture, such as soil and water conservation, drought mitigation techniques, rainwater harvesting, crops and cropping systems for dryland agriculture, conservation agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, and watershed management. The content is presented in both narrative and critical formats, with illustrations provided to enhance clarity.

Jayadeva, H.M. obtained his B.Sc. (Agri.) in 1993 and M.Sc. (Agri.) in Agronomy in 1995 and Ph.D in 2007 from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. He started his professional career as Assistant Professor at UAS, Bangalore, later served as Associate Professor and Professor at UAS, Bangalore. Presently, he is serving as Professor and Head, Department of Agronomy, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore.

He has guided 09 masters degree students. He has published 98 peer reviewed research papers in National and International Journals. He developed Seven technologies to improve the yield of paddy and pulses.  He received the best thesis award from Indian Society of Agronomy for his Ph.D. Thesis in 2007, ICAR best teacher award for the year 2014-15 and 02 of his M.Sc. student received the PPIC best thesis award in 2015 and 2016.  

B.K. Ramachandrappa started his carrier as Research Assistant, RRS, Dharwad during 1982, later served as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Crop production at College of Agriculture, Bengaluru. He also served as Associate Director of Research for Zone-IV in his 33 years of service. He retired as Chief Scientist & Head, AICRP on Dryland Agriculture and University Head of Agronomy, UAS, GKVK. He is presently, serving as a ICAR-Emeritus Professor, Department of Agronomy, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru. He was instrumental in implementing national and inter-national projects worth six crores in the University and has presented papers in the international seminars held at Thailand, Mexico and China. Further, under his able leadership the Dryland agriculture project, GKVK bagged ‘National Best Center Award’ and ‘Most Responsive Center Award’.

He has developed water management practices for different crops as well as fertigation techniques. Sustainable dryland technologies viz., soil and water conservation, efficient water use, INM, cropping systems, dryland mechanization and contingency practices for aberrant weather conditions were standardized and demonstrated in the red soil regions of southern Karnataka under his leadership and has been recognized as an eminent Agronomist at the state and national level.

08 Ph.D. and 16 M.Sc. (Agri.) scholars received guidance under him in the University. He has over 250 National and international research publications to his credit besides, 18 books. He is also a recipient of Prestigious, Vasanth Rao Naik Award for Outstanding Research and Application in Dryland Farming Systems from ICAR, New Delhi for the year 2014; Dr. Kalayya Krishnamurthy National Award for the best Agricultural Research 2015-16; Gold Medal from the Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists’ for the year 2015; Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseeds Research (2002-03) and National Environmental Science Academy (2015) are also the important other awards conferred on him.

1. Introduction and History of Rainfed Agriculture, 2. Constraints of Rainfed Areas,3. Dry Land Soils, 4. Meteorology, 5. Classification of Climate, 6. Soil and Moisture Conservation ,7. Drought Management Strategies, 8. Rain Water Harvesting, 9. Crops and Cropping Systems for Dryland Agriculture,10. Conservation Agriculture,11. Climate-Smart agriculture, 12. Watershed Management, 13. Strategies and Policies for Dryland Agriculture.

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