Veterinary Extension and Rural Development

authored by: Bhabesh Chandra Das
ISBN: 9789390175185 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 602 | Language: English | Copyright: 2021
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 40.1 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1120 GMS
USD 294.00 USD 265.00
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veterinary extension, rural development, extension education, undergraduate students, postgraduate students, competitive examinations, upsc, state public service commissions, bank examinations, extension teachers, researchers, administrators, planners, easy-to-understand, organized information

Veterinary Extension and Rural Development is a resource that has been designed to fulfill the academic requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students studying extension education in agricultural and other universities. The information in this book has been carefully organized, analyzed, classified, and presented in an easy-to-understand manner to benefit not only students but also extension teachers, workers, researchers, administrators, and planners. This book could be particularly helpful for students preparing for competitive examinations such as UPSC, State Public Service Commissions, and bank examinations.

The book is divided into two sections, with the first section covering Extension Education and containing eleven chapters, and the second section covering Rural Development and containing twelve chapters. The chapters have been carefully arranged to maintain the reader's interest while navigating the book for various information. The language used in the entire book is simple and clear, making it easy for readers to follow the contents.

Bhabesh Chandra Das is Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha. He did his M V Sc from IVRI, and Ph D from NDRI in Extension Education. He has served more than 25 years in many organizations, namely, DANIDA Project, Indo-Swiss Project, DFID, Watershed Mission of Government of Odisha, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (NIRD&PR), Government of India, Odisha Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd. (OMFED), Odisha  in different positions as an extension education and rural development expert before joining as Assistant Professor in OUAT.

He teaches extension education, rural development and general management in UG and PG classes. He has supervised 14 PG and 02 Ph. D theses and published more than 110 research papers in national and international journals. Dr. Das has authored 10 books and contributed chapters in 7 books.

Section-I: 1. Livestock Extension Education: Concept, Principles and Philosophy,2. Teaching-Learning Process in : Extension, 3. Extension Teaching Methods., 4. Audio-Visual Aids in Extension Teaching, 5. Extension Communication, 6. Extension Actors, 7. Participatory Extension, 8. Rural Sociology, 9. Diffusion and Adoption of Livestock Innovations, 10. Extension Programme Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, 11. Data Collection and Report Writing

Section-II:  1. Rural Development: Concept and Meaning,,2. Rural Development during Pre and Post-Independence Period, 3. Planned Strategies for Rural Development in India,4. Panchayati Raj System, 5. Important Rural Development Programmes,6. Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) and NationalRural Livelihood Mission/ Ajeveeka, 7. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural EmploymentGuarantee Act (MGNREGA), 8. Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), 9. National Agriculture Development Programme / RashtriyaKrishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), 10. Other Related Programmes, 11. ICAR Front Line Extension Programmes, 12. Livestock Development Programmes/Schemes.

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