Tropical & Subtropical Vegetable Crops

authored by: Dipika Sahoo & Bhimasen Naik
Browse all books of Bhimasen Naik
ISBN: 9789390175512 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 340 | Language: English | Copyright: 2021
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 21.01 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 720 GMS
USD 294.00 USD 265.00
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tropical vegetable crops, subtropical vegetable crops, general considerations, production technology, vegetable gardens, cultivar selection, climate requirements, soil requirements, sowing time, nursery practices, field preparation, nutrient management, crop protection, growth regulators, physiological disorders

 The book "Tropical and Subtropical Vegetable Crops" is divided into two main sections. The first section, Part I, covers General Considerations, while the second section, Part II, covers Production Technology. Part I consists of two chapters, the first of which provides an overview of vegetables and the different types of vegetable gardens. Part II is subdivided into six sections, with each section covering the production technology of a specific crop. Each crop is covered in detail, including information on cultivar selection, climate and soil requirements, sowing time, seed rate, nursery practices, field preparation, transplanting, spacing, nutrient management, water and weed management, use of chemicals and growth regulators, intercultural practices, crop protection, physiological disorders, har

Dipika Sahoo: Associate Professor of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Chiplima Campus, Sambalpur-768025, Odisha

Bhimasen Naik: Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Refional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Chiplima Campus, Sambalpur-768025, Odisha


 1 Vegetables: An Overview  2 Types of Vegetable Gardens  3 Production Technology of Tomato  4 Production Technology of Brinjal  5 Production Technology of Chilli  6 Production Technology of Capsicum  7 Production Technology of Okra  8 Production Technology of Amaranthus  9 Production Technology of Cluster Bean  10 Production Technology of Cowpea  11 Production Technology of Lab-lab Bean 12 Production Technology of French Bean  13 Production Technology of Cucurbits  14 Production Technology of Moringa  15 Production Technology of Curry Leaf  16 Production Technology of Portulaca  17 Production Technology of Basella  18 Production Technology of Sorrel  19 Production Technology of Roselle

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