Soil Resources Inventory Management

authored by: V. Arunkumar, Muthiyan Pandiyan, M. Yuvaraj,C. Sivakuamr & A. Krishnaveni
ISBN: 9789390175925 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 130 | Language: English | Copyright: 2021
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 12.6 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 400 GMS
USD 267.00 USD 241.00
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soil inventory, soil survey, soil classification, modern soil taxonomy, usda system, diagnostic horizons, soil orders, land capability classification, soil irrigability classification, storie's index rating, fertility capability classification, land suitability, field crops, horticultural crops, land use planning

This book aims to impart comprehensive knowledge about soil and resource inventory, including the fundamentals of soil and resource inventory, the standard soil survey, the scope and objectives of soil systematic, soil mapping units, methods and types of soil survey, soil classification, and modern soil taxonomy, as well as the USDA system, diagnostic horizons, and soil orders. Additionally, the book covers soil survey reports, soil survey interpretations, land capability classification, soil and land irrigability classification, Storie's Index Rating, fertility capability classification, and land suitability for field crops, horticultural crops, and forest trees. Furthermore, the book presents land use planning concepts and objectives to enhance the Bachelor Degree of Agriculture students' technical competence in accordance with the undergraduate curriculum. The book has been designed with clear and concise presentations of topics to facilitate easy understanding for students.

V. Arunkumar is presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Vazhavachanur, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

Muthiyan Pandiyan, Dean, Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Eachankottai, Thanjavur and Vazhavachanur, Tamil Nadu, India.

M. Yuvaraj, currently working in Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vazhavachanure, Tiruvannamalai. Tamil Nadu.

C. Sivakuamr is working as Associate Professor in Agronomy at Agricultural College & Research Institute, Vazhavachanur, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

A. Krishnaveni is an Environmental Scientist with 10 years of experience in Research, Education and Extension and 9 years of experience in different ICAR – NATP, UGC.

1. Introduction, 2. Soil Survey, 3. Soil Classification, 4. Soil Survey Interpretation, 5. Land Use Planning

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