Orthopaedic Research in Small Animals

authored by: Swapan Kumar Maiti
ISBN: 9789390591558 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 278 | Language: English | Copyright: 2022
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 21.26 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 595 GMS
USD 282.00 USD 254.00
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Small Animal Orthopedics, Veterinary Orthopedic Research, Canine Bone Studies, Feline Joint Investigations, Animal Orthopedic Conditions, Musculoskeletal Research in Pets, Comparative Orthopedics, Experimental Orthopedic Procedures, Small Animal Fracture Analysis, Orthopedic Biomaterials in Animals, Joint Diseases in Pets, Canine Arthritis Studies, Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery, Animal Orthopedic Imaging, Small Animal Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Biomechanics in Pets, Musculoskeletal Disorders in Animals, Canine Orthopedic Therapies, Feline Orthopedic Pathology, Veterinary Orthopedic Medicine, Animal Bone Regeneration, Small Animal Orthopedic Devices, Orthopedic Trauma in Pets

This book presents comprehensive information on bone research, with a focus on bone healing, and is divided into 27 chapters that cover all aspects of orthopedic research in small and laboratory animals. The book provides essential knowledge about bone, fracture types and healing, bone grafts and substitutes, internal and external fixation techniques, and the role of stem cells, hormones, and biomaterials in fracture healing. The book also examines the use of herbal products, ceramic biomaterials, and osteoinducers in bone regeneration.

The book is intended to meet the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate research scholars, as well as teachers, biologists, and clinicians involved in animal treatment and orthopedic research. The book contains over 150 high-quality photographs of internal fixation techniques, X-rays, undecalcified ground sections, scanning electron microscopy, 3-D CT scans, and histopathological stained sections used in various orthopedic interventions.

This book will be a valuable resource for students, teachers, and research scholars in the field of orthopedic research, providing them with the latest information on bone research and its practical applications.

Swapan Kumar Maiti, a graduate from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya (1984) followed by Masters (1987) and Doctorate (1990) in Veterinary Surgery from Indian Veterinary Research Institute. Dr Maiti joined ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute as Scientist in 1993 and currently working as Principal Scientist in this Premier Indian Institute. Presently, Dr Maiti has more than 25 years of research experience in the field of Animal Oncology, Laparoscopic Surgery and Animal Stem Cells Biology. He is associated with more than 20 research projects and published more than 200 research and clinical papers in different peer reviewed International and National journals and presented more than 100 scientific papers in International and National Congress. Besides, he has authored two Text-books, three manuals, two compendiums and contributed twenty chapters in different books.
Dr Maiti has been invited as “Speaker” in the 32nd, 33rd, 35th, 36th and 38th World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) World Congress, held at Sydney (Australia); Dublin (Ireland); Geneva (Switzerland), Jeju (South Korea) and Auckland (New Zealand) respectively. He has also been invited as “Speaker” in the 2nd Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association (FASAVA) Congress held at Bangkok (Thailand) in 2009. So far, he has visited more than 25 countries on different scientific assignments.

He has been awarded prestigious fellowship from German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany for Post-Doctoral research work under International Bilateral Scientist Exchange Programme of Govt. of India. Dr Maiti deputed as “Visiting Professor” at the University of Leipzig (2006), University of Köln (2010) and Technical University of Munich (2014), Germany. He has guided eight M.V.Sc, one M. Pharm and seven Ph.D students. He  received many prestigious awards in his academic career including Prof A.K. Bhargava Gold Medal, Shri Ramlal Agrawal National Award (Gold Medal & Cash Prize); Prof S.J. Angelo Memorial Award, Indian Science Congress Centenary Best Paper (Certificate and Cash prize) and also nominated as “International Expert” for assessment of teachers of Foreign University (Sudan) for three years. Dr Maiti is a “Fellow” of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences, Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and Indian Society for Advancement of Canine Practice for outstanding contribution in the field of Veterinary Science.

1. Bone-Basic Consideration, 2. Fracture Types and Fracture Healing, 3. Role of Different Minerals Vitamins and Hormones in Fracture Healing in Animals, 4. Bone Grafts, Bone Substitutes and Bone Bioimplants in Small Animals Orthopaedics, 5. Internal Fracture Fixation in Small Animal, 6.   Application of Plaster Cast/Splint for Fracture Immobilization and Other Bandaging Procedure in Small Animals, 7. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins-Novel Regulators of Bone Formation, 8.Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-?) in Bone Remodeling, 9. In vitro Osteoinduction Potential of Silica Coated Hydroxyapatite Bioscaffold Seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cell, 10. Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Different Origin in Regeneration of Critical Sized Bone Defect, 11. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Seeded Bioceramic Construct for Bone Regeneration in Large Critical-Size Bone Defect, 12. Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) Hydroxyapatite Construct with Growth Proteins for the Repair of Bone Defects, 13. Effect of Herbal Magacal on Fracture Healing, 14. Effect of Bone Wax on Fracture Healing, 15. Effect of Prostaglandin (PGE2) on Fracture Healing, 16. Effect of Gonadotropic Hormone (Gnrh) on Fracture Healing, 17. Evaluation of Herb, Cissus Quadrangularis (Hardjore) on Fracture Healing, 18. Role of Anabolic Steriod on Fracture Healing, 19. Role of Sex Hormone Progesterone on Fracture Healing, 20. Effect of Ultrasound Therapy on Fracture Healing, 21. Effect of Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) on Fracture Healing, 22. Minimally Invasive Fracture Repair Techniques and Biological Osteosynthesis, 23. Management of Comminuted Femoral Fracture by Different Internal Fixation Techniques, 24.Comparative Study of Two Different Fixation Techniques in the Management of Tibial Metaphyseal Fracture, 25. Endocrine Responses on Fracture Healing, 26.Evaluation of Composite Bone Grafts and Ceramic Implants in Fracture Healing, 27. Physiotherapy and Postoperative Rehabilitation for Orthopedic Patients

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