Descriptive and Objective Insect Taxonomy

authored by: Anil Kumar
ISBN: 9789391383527 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 184 | Language: English | Copyright: 2022
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 10.9 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 420 GMS
USD 202.00 USD 182.00
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Insect classification, Taxonomic keys, Morphological characteristics, Linnaean taxonomy, Systematic entomology, Species identification, Taxonomic hierarchy, Entomological classification, Descriptive entomology, Insect nomenclature, Taxonomic characters, Entomological taxonomy, Order-level classification, Family-level taxonomy, Genus identification, Insect morphology, Biological classification, Insect systematics, Taxonomic principles, Arthropod taxonomy, Insect orders, Taxonomic analysis, Insect diversity, Insect identification keys, Objective taxonomy

The book "Descriptive and Objective Insect Taxonomy" is a comprehensive guide that covers both descriptive and objective type questions on the topic of insect taxonomy. It provides a step-by-step treatment of the entire field of insect taxonomy in the form of notes and objective questions and answers. This book is designed to help students quickly recollect knowledge and fulfill their academic requirements.

Anil Kumar: Assistant Professor-cum-Scientist Department of Entomology, Sugarcane Research Institute Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University PUSA-848 125, Samastipur, Bihar, India

1. Introduction, 2. Entognatha, 3. Ectoganatha  (Apterygota), 4. Palaeoptera, 5. Oligoneoptera, 6. Paraneoptera, 7. Endopterygota  (Holometabola), 8. Collection  and  Preservation  of  Insects,9. Objective  Question

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