Descriptive & Objective Soil Science (For B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Sc. (Horticulture), B.Sc. (Environment Science), Jrf, Srf, Ars, Saus and Other Competitive Examinations)

authored by: P. Gurumurthy
ISBN: 9789391383626 | Binding: Paperback | Pages: 736 | Language: English | Copyright: 2022
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 50 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1100 GMS
USD 67.00 USD 61.00
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Soil composition, Pedology, Soil fertility, Soil structure, Soil classification, Agricultural soil, Soil management, Soil analysis, Soil horizons, Soil moisture, Soil erosion, Soil formation, Soil profile, Soil nutrients, Soil amendments, Soil physics, Soil chemistry, Soil biology, Soil ecosystem, Soil conservation, Soil testing, Soil health, Agronomy, Land degradation, Environmental soil science

The importance of soil cannot be overstated as it is the most essential resource for fulfilling the fundamental requirements of food, fiber, and shelter for the human race. Soil forms the basis for all terrestrial life and provides a wide range of ecosystem services that enable humankind to survive and progress. Soil is an intricate mixture of minerals, water, air, organic matter, and countless organisms, including the decaying remains of once-living things. It is formed at the surface of the land and serves as the "skin of the earth". Soil plays a crucial role in supporting plant life and is vital to life on earth. The book "Descriptive and Objective Soil Science" aims to provide readers with brief information on various soil science concepts, such as soil genesis, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil mineralogy, soil health, soil fertility, manures and fertilizers, soil degradation, problematic soils, soils of India, irrigation water quality, and more. The book also includes objective questions at the end of each chapter for readers to test their knowledge.

P. Gurumurthy: Professor & Head, Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College, Naira, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-522 034, India

1. Introduction, 2. Soil Genesis and Classification  , 3. Soil Physics, 4. Soil Chemistry, 5. Soil Mineralogy, 6. Soil Organic Matter, 7. Soil Biology, 8. Soil Degradation, 9. Problematic Soils,10. Soil Fertility, 11. Manures and Fertilizers, 12. Soil Health, 13. Soil Pollution, 14. Soils of India,15. Irrigation Water Quality

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