Economics Marketing Accountancy & Entrepreneurship Development in Animal Husbandry & Dairying

authored by: Arunasis Goswami & Sukanta Biswas
ISBN: 9789391383985 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 218 | Language: English | Copyright: 2022
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 17.75 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 500 GMS
USD 202.00 USD 182.00
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Agricultural Economics, Livestock Marketing, Farm Accounting, Entrepreneurial Development in Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farm Management, Agricultural Finance, Animal Husbandry Economics, Marketing Strategies for Livestock, Agribusiness Accounting, Entrepreneurship in Dairying, Livestock Investment, Economic Aspects of Animal Farming, Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Dairy Product Marketing, Accountancy in Animal Husbandry, Sustainable Livestock Economics, Marketing Trends in Animal Husbandry, Financial Management in Dairy Farms, Entrepreneurial Skills in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Business Models, Accounting Practices in Livestock Farming, Entrepreneurship Development Programs in Agriculture, Dairy Industry Economics, Marketing Channels for Animal Products

The book, intended for professionals and students of Extension Education, has been authored to include a range of topics in Economics, Marketing, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Livestock Projects, and contemporary issues in Animal Husbandry practices. These subjects are presented in a clear and concise manner, drawing upon a diverse range of resources.

To attain a more comprehensive understanding of these subjects, students are encouraged to consult additional resources. The collective expertise of the authors has been harnessed to create this informative and enlightening compendium, which will be of great use to both students and instructors in the field of Extension Education.

Arunasis Goswami, M.V.Sc, Ph.D., D.Litt., FNAVSc., presently working as Professor in the Department of Veterinary & A.H. Extension Education, W.B. University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 68, K.B. Sarani, Kolkata-700037,West Bengal, India

Sukanta Biswas, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. PGDAEM, FISRD(UK) presently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary & A.H. Extension Education, W.B. University of Animal & Fishery Sciences Mohanpur, Dist-Nadia, West Bengal, India.

1.Livestock Economics, 2.Livestock Marketing, 3.Accounting & Accountancy, 4.Accounting Analysis,5.Livestock Entrepreneurship, 6.Management in Entrepreneurship, 7.Project Appraisal and Entrepreneurship, 8.Gender & Sustainability in Animal Husbandry, 9.Livestock Insurance, Census & Animal Welfare, 10.Entrepreneurial Projects in Livestock and Poultry.         

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