The impetus for publishing this handy book originated from our long-standing yearning to compose a succinct work on soil and water management that could be consulted by students or any individuals requiring a concise overview of scientific terminology employed in soil and water management studies. Both authors have diligently prepared for the ARS examination in soil sciences and land and water management engineering and are currently members of the scientific team at ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, RRS-Bhuj. This book aims to provide a comprehensive and accessible collection of these scientific terms, accompanied by simplified definitions, in order to offer readers a concise summary of key concepts from each sub-topic.
Abhishek Patel: Scientist (Land & Water Management Engineering) ICAR - Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Regional Research Station Bhuj, Gujarat - 370 105, India
Anand Kumar Naorem: Scientist (Soil Science), ICAR - Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan - 342 003, India
1. Soil Erosion, 2. Soil Erosion Conservation, 3. Hydrology, 4. Irrigation, 5.Groundwater, Wells and Pumps, 6. Drainage Engineering, 7.Salt Affected Soils and Management, 8. Watershed Geomorphology, 9. Fluid Mechanics, 10.Canal Irrigation: System and Structures,11.Land Use Capability Classification., 12.Remote Sensing and GIS