Horticulture for Nutrition and Income Security

edited by: Arvind Verma, Sharda Choudhary,Arvind Kumar Verma & Ravi Y.
ISBN: 9789395319607 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 480 | Language: English | Copyright: 2023
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 34 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 830 GMS
USD 276.00 USD 249.00
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Sustainable farming, Agroecology, Permaculture, Crop diversity, Organic gardening, Food sovereignty, Edible landscaping, Horticultural therapy, Urban agriculture, Soil health, Community gardens, Nutrient-rich crops, Income generation, Small-scale farming, Microgardening, Homegrown food, Agroforestry, Aquaponics, Rooftop farming, Diversified farming systems, Seed saving, Food security, Sustainable livelihoods, Agricultural resilience, Greenhouse cultivation

Technological advancements have significantly increased agricultural productivity, but generating the desired income remains a significant challenge for farmers. The book comprises a total of 36 chapters that provide comprehensive information on the scalable technologies that farmers can adopt to increase their income and ensure nutritional security. The chapters cover all aspects of important horticultural crops, including molecular biology, production technology, nursery management, protected cultivation, precision farming, organic production, bio-fortification, nutrient management, bio-agents, pest and disease management, postharvest and value addition, mechanization, internet of things, and marketing.

Ravindra Singh, joined his ARS services in ICAR in 1998 as a scientist in the discipline of Agronomy. He has published more than hundred research papers in referred national, international journals, published many books and having a vast experience of protected cultivation, precision water and nutrient management, weed management and sensor application in different horticultural and field crops. Dr. Singh went to USA for training in the area of “Sensor based applications of Nitrogen” at the Oklahoma State University, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, 368 Agricultural Hall, Stillwater, OK, USA for three months. He had earned Young Scientist award of ISA, Bharat Shiksha Ratan, Manad Upadhi and many more awards in different national international events.

Sharda Choudhary, working as a Senior Scientist (Plant Biotechnology) at ICAR-NRCSS, Ajmer, Rajasthan. She has published more than 40 research papers in reputed national international journals; she has published four books with national and international publishers. She has published more than 50 technical bulletins/technical articles. She has been recognized with Young Women Scientist Award-2019, Scientist of the Year Award- 2017, Fellow ISSS, Young Scientist Award- 2016. She has handled more than eight research projects and completed DUS and molecular characterization of seed spices crops, released one variety of fennel. She has done training in the area of “Marker Assisted Selection (Horticulture)” at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA for three months. She has published first transcriptome data on Indian coriander which will help in understanding the molecular pathways and mechanism in the crop for different diseases.

Arvind Kumar Verma, secured all India 3rd rank in ICAR-JRF exam in Horticulture group and completed M.Sc. and Ph.D., degree from ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. He qualified ARS-2012 in Horticulture (SPMA) and joined ICAR in 2014 and posted at ICAR- NRCSS, Ajmer, Rajasthan. He is currently working on genetic improvement of seed spices. He has published more than 30 research papers, 40 popular articles, 10 book chapters, 15 bulletins/ training manuals and two books. He is the recipient Fellow of CHAI and Fellow of SHRD.

Ravi Y., received his Bachelor's degree in Horticulture and his Master's degree in Spices, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops (Horticulture) from Kittur Rani Chennamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, Karnataka. During 2017, he has been selected as an ARS scientist in the SPMAP subject and began working as a scientist at ICAR-NRCSS, Ajmer, Rajasthan. He is currently working on Metabolomic approaches in seed spices improvement

1.    Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schoff.) for Nutritional Security and Health Benefits - Vijay Bahadur Singh Chauhan, Samarendra Narayan Mallick, Pinki Mohapatra, Kalidas Pati, R. Arutselvan, M. Nedunchezhiyan and Arvind Kumar Verma

2.   Cultivation of Export Oriented Cumin Crop - Arvind Kumar Verma, Ravi, Y., Ravindra Singh, Sharda Choudhary, Pranava Pandey and Vijay Bahadur Singh Chauhan

3. Chrysanthemum: A Versatile Crop of Commercial Significance - Madhu Bala

4.   Karonda Ethnoboatical - Jyoti Kanwar, R.N. Kanpure, Praveen Kumar Ausari

5.   Variability in Nutmeg Species and Varieties - Pooja S. and Vijaykumar B. Narayanapur

6.   Off- Season Leafy Coriander Production Under Shade Net Covered Tunnels: Tripling Farmer’s Income - Ravindra Singh, Sharda Choudhary, Ravi Y, Madhu Choudhary and Arvind Kumar Verma

7.   Cultivation of Underutilized Minor Fruit Plants in India - Sarvpriya Singh and Sukhwinder Singh Aulakh

8.   Doubling Farmers Income Through Latest Technology of Horticulture Intervention - Mahaveer Suman and Ashok Kumar

9.   Biofortification: A Modern Approach for Doubling Farmers’ Income and Fight Against Malnutrition – Praveen Kumar Singh Gurjar, Nikhil Parihar, Ravi Y. and Abhijeet Ghatak

10.   Agronomic Bio-Fortification Through Zinc to Enhance Nutrition in Food Crops - Vajinder Pal Kalra

11.   Approaches of Precision Farming in Horticulture - Pranava Pandey, N.K. Meena and Arvind Kumar Verma

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