Ocean Dynamics: Theory And Exercises (With Solutions)

authored by: A.S.N. Murty
ISBN: 9789395319720 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 590 | Language: English | Copyright: 2023
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 37 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 940 GMS
USD 276.00 USD 249.00
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Ocean Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Ocean Currents, Marine Circulation, Thermohaline Circulation, Coastal Dynamics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Oceanography, Sea Surface Temperature, Ekman Transport, Coriolis Effect, Upwelling and Downwelling, Oceanic Vortices, Ocean Waves, Tidal Forces, Buoyancy, Ocean Stratification, Salinity Gradients, Coastal Upwelling, Ocean Modeling, Ocean Heat Transport, Wind-Driven Circulation, Oceanic Mixing, Rossby Waves

This book on Ocean Dynamics is a comprehensive collection of materials utilized in my personal teaching at Berhampur University, University of Hyderabad, and Arbaminch University. It is primarily intended for graduate and postgraduate students studying Oceanography, physical oceanography, meteorology, atmospheric sciences, Aeronautical, Agricultural, and space meteorology, as well as various related fields in civil and ocean engineering.

A distinct characteristic of this book is the inclusion of numerous exercises and their solutions under each chapter to enhance comprehension and practical application. The content of the book encompasses virtually all significant topics in physical oceanography, such as currents with and without friction, upwelling and downwelling, water masses and TS-analysis, waves and tides, Estuaries, internal waves, seiches and storm surges, and Rossby and Kelvin waves, among others. Particular emphasis is placed on recent advancements in North Indian Ocean circulation.

A.S.N. Murty, Professor and Head, Chairman P.G. Council  Coordinator, OASTC, (Ocean Atmospheric Science and Technology Cell) Department of Ocean Development, (Government of India) and In-charge Vice-chancellor, Berhampur University

1.   Introduction, 2.   Equation of Motion (Forces), 3. Inertial Currents, 4. Geostrophic & Meandering Currents, 5. Slope of the Sea Surface- Margule’s Equation, 6.Ekman Circulation, 7. Upwelling and Down Welling,  8. Sverdrup Circulation, 9. Vorticity Theorem, 10  Stommel’s Circulation, 11. Munk’s Circulation, 12. Water Masses and Thermohaline Circulation, 13. Small amplitude Ocean Waves, 14.   Finite amplitude Ocean Waves,15.Ocean Tides Long Waves and Sea Level Changes, 16. Estuaries, Seiches, Internal Waves and Storm Surges

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