A Handbook of Horticultural Sciences: Vol.02: Vegetable Science and Ornamental Horticulture

authored by: K. Vanangamudi, N.Chezhiyan, M.Kokila, M.Prabhu & P. Murugesan
ISBN: 9789395763929 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 510 | Language: English | Copyright: 2022
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 32 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 876 GMS
USD 281.00 USD 253.00
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Horticultural sciences, Vegetable science, Ornamental horticulture, Horticultural handbook, Crop cultivation, Plant breeding, Horticultural research, Agricultural techniques, Gardening practices, Crop management, Botanical studies, Horticultural education, Sustainable agriculture, Plant propagation, Soil fertility, Pest control in horticulture, Horticultural technology, Landscape design, Horticultural innovations, Greenhouse cultivation, Horticultural therapy, Floriculture, Edible landscaping, Agricultural sustainability

"A Handbook of Horticultural Sciences, Volume 2" is a comprehensive guide designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of horticulture. The book aims to provide essential information on the conceptual and applied aspects of horticulture, as per the syllabus set by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The book is illustrated with diagrams, schematic representations, and pictures to enhance the learning experience. The book is divided into two units, namely "Production Technology of Vegetables" and "Production Technology of Flower Crops and Landscape Gardening." Each unit includes a separate section for facts and figures, which serves as a useful reference for competitive exams. Unit VI and VII provide a compilation of common and scientific names, family, chromosome number, origin, inflorescence, and fruit types, along with an abstract of production technology. Additionally, details on gardens in India are provided in Unit VII. This handbook is an invaluable resource for students preparing for various competitive exams, including Central and State Public Service Commissions, SSC, Forestry, ICAR - AIEEA for JRF and SRF, ICAR - NET and ARS, IBPS-AFO, and postgraduate admissions to IARI, SAU's, CAU's, BHU, Deemed Universities, and Private Agricultural Colleges. The book aims to enhance students' understanding of the basic and applied knowledge of horticulture in a comprehensive and engaging manner.

K. Vanangamudi, Former Dean (Agriculture), graduated B.Sc., (Ag.) in 1975 from Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore; M.Sc., (Ag.) and Ph.D. in Seed Science and Technology, respectively in 1977 and 1981 from TNAU; and Post Doctoral Fellow (1988-1990) at Mississippi State University, USA. He joined Department of Seed Science and Technology, TNAU as Assistant Professor in 1982 and served the University for 32 years as Associate Professor (1986-1988) at Agricultural Research Station, Bhavanisagar; Post-Doctoral Fellow (1988-1990), Mississippi State University, USA; Professor (1992-2001) at Forest College & Research Institute, Mettupalayam; Professor and Head (2001-2003) of Department of Seed Science and Technology; Dean, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College (2003-2006), Kalavai; and Dean (Agriculture), Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore (2006-2010). He retired from service on August 31, 2013.

He has undergone Post Doctoral Programme in Tree Seed Technology at Mississippi State University, USA from 1988-1990 and visited USA, Japan and Canada in connection with Forestry education and research under USAID-Winrock International program. He underwent training on e-learning and web based teaching at UC, Davis, California and Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA during 2007.
Dr. Vanangamudi’s significant contributions in Agricultural Education are:
• Started B.Tech (Bioinformatics), B. Tech (Agricultural Information Technology) and BS (Agribusiness Management) degrees at AC&RI, Coimbatore,
• Started B.Sc (Horti.) degree at Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, Kalavai.
• He introduced e-education and online examination
• Under NAIP project on “Development of e-courses for B.Sc., (Ag) degree program as Co.PI, he developed e-learning materials for all the 50 courses and hosted in TNAU and ICAR websites
• Video streaming of lecture presentation by the teachers in the classroom
(Video filming, editing and publishing).
• Prepared course materials for 90 courses for Industrial Training Institute (ITI) program in Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Animal husbandry, Poultry and Food Processing under “Modular Employment Skills” and “Centre of Excellence” funded by National Instructional Media Institute, Ministry of Labour & Employment, GOI, Chennai, for the students and instructors of ITI all over India.
As a researcher, he was the Principal Investigator of 11 research projects funded by ICAR-NAIP, ICAR-World bank, ICFRE-World bank, Tamil Nadu Forest department, Ministry of Labour and Employment (GOI), CIDA-Gulpeh, Canada and Private agencies.
Dr. Vanangamudi has published 2 review papers, 35 research papers in International journals, 112 research papers in National journals, 29 popular articles in English and 53 in Tamil. He has written 46 books in English and 10 in Tamil. He has also written 11 technical bulletins in English and 29 in Tamil.
His recent books are:
• A Handbook of Agricultural Sciences Vol 1 & 2.
• Objective Seed Science and Technology – 2nd Edition, Revised & Enlarged
• MCQ’s in Plant Breeding, Biotechnology & Seed Science
• Model test paper of Seed Science and Technology
• Seed Science and Technology: 2nd Enlarged and Fully Revised Edition
• Competitive Seed Science and Technology
• Competitive Agriculture
In recognition of his contribution in Agricultural Education, Research and Extension, he was awarded with
• Best PG teacher award in 1998 by TNAU
• Best scientist award in 1999 by TNAU
• Best PG teacher award 2000 by Madras Agricultural Students Union (MASU), Coimbatore
• Best Seed scientist award in 2003 by Hisar Agricultural University (HAU), Hisar
• Best research paper award in 2005 by Indian Society of Seed Technology (ISST), New Delhi
• Tamil Nadu scientist award in 2006 by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Chennai
• Bharat Ratna Dr. C. Subramaniam best teacher award in 2006 by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.
He is a recognized guide of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; Bharathidasan University, Trichy and Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.
He was a Research and Technical Consultant to Little’s Orientals Balm and Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Chennai for seed priming, seed film coating and setting up of Seed Research Lab; to a farmer for 200 acres of farm land development; to a EU-KKID-Peace trust project for end term evaluation; and to a Kerala Forest Department project (World Bank) for developing training course syllabi and establishment of seed processing and testing units. He served as Senior Advisor and Consultant to Dr Mohan’s Health Care Products Ltd., Chennai.

N. Chezhiyan, worked as a Professor and Head, Department of Spices and Plantation crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore; Professor and Head, Horticultural Reasearch Station, Thadiyankudisai and Professor and Head of Vegetable Crops, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, Kalavai. He graduated B.Sc., (Agri.) in 1972 and Ph.D (Floriculture) in 1991 from TNAU, Coimbatore; M.Sc., (Horticulture) from Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad. Dr. N. Chezhiyan served in TNAU in various capacities for 30 years since 1979 to 2008. He also served as an Agricultural officer in the Department of Agriculture, Government of  Tamil Nadu from 1972 to 1976. He has rich experience in teaching, research and extension; and guided 18 M.Sc., (Horticulture) students and 16 Ph. D scholars in Horticulture. Two of his Ph.D scholars were awarded with ICAR Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Best Thesis in Pomology. He released 13 varieties in fruits, vegetables, spices and flower crops. He has published 175 research papers in International and National journals, 10 books and 150 popular articles. Dr. Chezhiyan attended 20 trainings and 20 workshops/seminars; and organized 35 trainings and 20 workshops/seminars. He served as a member of Academic Council and Board of Studies (Horticulture), TNAU, Coimbatore.

M. Kokila is now pursuing PG program in the Department of Seed Science and Technology. She worked  as a Faculty, Trinity Cultural Academy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. She graduated B.Sc., (Agri.) in 2019 from Agricultural College and Research Institute (TNAU), Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu. She has published 4 books related to Agricultural sciences as follows:
• A Handbook of Agricultural Sciences Vol 1 & 2.
• Model test paper of Seed Science and Technology
• Competitive Agriculture
She has participated in Personality Development Workshop held on 21st & 22nd January 2019 in AC & RI, Kudumiyanmalai. She has also undergone ten days internship with NGO (Vrutti). She also served as a National Service Scheme volunteer (2015-17) and committee leader in various college functions (2018-2019).

M. Prabhu is currently working as an Associate Professor in Horticulture at Department of Vegetable Science, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. He has 17 years of experience in teaching, research and extension activities related to Horticultural Sciences. He worked as a researcher in Fruit Science, Vegetable Science, Ornamental Horticulture, Medicinal plants, Agro-forestry and Palmyrah. He handled 10 research and development projects related to Horticultural Sciences. He is one of the contributors for the development of brinjal hybrid COBH 2, which is moderately tolerant to shoot and fruit borer infestation.

He handled 75 courses for undergraduate, 10 courses for postgraduate degree programs, and 5 courses for open and distance learning programs. He was recognized as Question paper setter and External Examiner for TNAU, Annamalai University, Kerala Agricultural University, University of Horticultural Sciences (Bagalkot) and Pondicherry Central University.
He has published 9 books with ISBN, 5 text books for Open and Distance Learning Programs of TNAU, Coimbatore, 65 research articles in reputed scientific journals, 105 popular articles in popular magazines and newspapers, 45 chapters in reputed books with ISBN and 60 abstracts in the proceedings of seminars and conferences.

He was associated in the conduct of International training programme on Agro-forestry for the experts from Asia and African countries funded by World Agroforestry Regional Centre, New Delhi as co-organizer. He has participated and presented papers in 47 national and 10 international conferences and 30 webinars related to horticulture, medicinal plants and life sciences. He attended 10 training programmes related to horticulture, life sciences and education technologies. He served as organizing committee member for various conferences, workshops and training programmes organized by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

He is a recipient of the Junior Scientist Award (2006), Certificate of Excellence Award (2008), Best poster presentation award (2011), Best Tamil Book Award (2012), Best presentation award (2013 & 2015),  Best Outstanding Scientist National Award (2020) for his research contributions.
At present, he is actively involved in the Farmers Participatory Contractual Seed Production Programme and ICAR All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops.

P. Murugesan, Principal Scientist (Hort.), ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, had graduation, post graduation and doctoral degree in Horticulture, Seed Technology and Seed Science & Technology during 1991, 1994 and 2003, respectively from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. In the year 2021, he was awarded MBA degree with first class distinction from Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai. He joined Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in 1996 and served as Scientist and Senior Scientist posts from 1996 to 2009 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi, Andhra Pradesh and its Regional Station, Palode, Kerala. He was promoted to Principal Scientist in the discipline of Horticulture through ASRB selection in August, 2009 and become the Head of the Regional Station of ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and worked till 2017. Since, June 2017, he is working at ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram in the Division of Crop Improvement.
He has undergone training on Breeding for Oil Palm Seed Production at Dami Oil Palm Research Station, Papua, New Guinea during 2000 under UNDP Sub programme. He was awarded Fellow of ISPC (2014) and ISST (2019), Distinguished Horticultural Scientist (2018) by Society for Horticultural Research and Development, Ghaziabad, UP. He also received eight best poster awards including one international award from ISPGR, New Delhi.

He was a Member/External Member of Institute Management Committee of IIOPR (2013), CTCRI (2016) and IPTMC of CTCRI (2016). He co-chaired a session on Agriculture, Horticulture & Plantation Crops of ISCA Webinar - International Symposium 2021 and acted as Chairman of Publication Committee of Agri Startup Meet 2017, ICAR-CTCRI. He has also acted as SIC and Chairman, Project Monitoring and Evaluation Cell of ICAR-CTCRI (2020-2021), Member Secretary NABL Accreditation Committee and Member Secretary of 9th Research Advisory Committee of CTCRI.  He has guided 8 PG students as major guide during 2017-2022 in Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Botany disciplines.
Dr. Murugesan involved in collection, evaluation and utilisation of oil palm germplasms in India and IIOPR assemblage of 128 accessions. He has strengthened indigenous hybrid seed production in oil palm by successfully implementing many competitive projects viz., UNDP (1996-2000), AP Cess fund (2006-2009), CRP Agro biodiversity (Oil palm) (2015-2017) and DST (2016-17) projects at ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi, Andhra Pradesh and its Regional Station, Palode, Kerala. Successfully introduced 20 accessions of drought tolerant oil palm germplasm from Malaysian Palm Oil Board under International collaborative project between Malaysia and India (2013-2015) as a Key Project Investigator.

Unit VI - Production Technology of Vegetables

Section I: Production Technology of Fruit Vegetables

Section II: Production Technology of Gourds and Melons

Section III: Production Technology of Cole Vegetables

Section IV: Production Technology of Bulbous Vegetables

Section V: Production Technology of Root and Tuber Vegetables

Section VI: Production Technology of Leguminous Vegetables

Section VII: Production Technology of Leafy and Minor Vegetables

Section VIII: Facts and Figures of Vegetables

Unit VII - Floriculture and Landscape Gardening

Section I: Production Technology of Flower Crops

Section II: Landscape Gardening

Section III:  Facts and Figures of Flower Crops and Landscape Gardenin

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