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Vivekanand said- There is no difference in Science and religion; alchemists are looking for the single element from which all elements generated; mathematicians are looking for the digit from which all digits came; physicists are looking for the one source of energy from which all the energy has come; and the religion is also looking for the one soul from whom all have come. He once stated, “Art, science and religion are but three different ways of expressing a single truth".

From the times of cave paintings of primitive hunters to present day Information & Communication Technology products, the goal has been transferring and preservation of information for present and future use.

Visioning any future will depend on documentation of baseline data (taking present as baseline) and converting it into knowledge for future development. The direct need of the day is to develop a global organization that can serve as a platform to showcase knowledge, provide training and education about latest technologies and future challenges to knowledge managers, viz. authors, publishers, technical resource persons, subject-matter societies and all other stakeholders in managing the knowledge, while keeping focus on their ethical grooming.


NIPA, devotedly takes up this challenge and is ready to provide an active forum for authors, publishers, managers, technical resource persons from agriculture, veterinary and social organizations.

The NIPA is an organization with headquarters in Delhi, India devoted to promoting finest practice in agricultural, veterinary and social sciences publishing at global level. The NIPA strives to enhance the quality and reliability of the agricultural, veterinary and social sciences literature.

It brings out books, journals besides working with journal editors and publishers offering skill-training, capacity-building workshops, networking and discussion forums.

Recent Partnerships

We are thrilled to announce that NIPA has entered into an exclusive partnership with the following esteemed institutions:

As part of this partnership, we will be dedicated to delivering their valuable content through NIPA. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in our mission to advance research, education, and awareness in the fields we serve.


The Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding (ISAGB) is one of the oldest Societies of Animal Sciences that was registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 17th April 1984 with main aims and objectives of
(i) Advancement of science and art of Animal Genetics and Breeding in all aspects by dissemination and application of knowledge gained from experiments and experience,
(ii) Provision of opportunities for exchange of knowledge and ideas through discussions and other means and for collaboration between persons interested in different fields of Animal Genetics and Breeding,
(iii) Organization of conference, symposia, seminars etc., and other periodicals meetings.
(iv) Initiation and promotion of research in all fields of Animal Genetics and Breeding,
(v) Publication of scientific and technical journals, policy papers, memoirs, monographs. Society is publishing a research journal “Indian Journal of Animal Genetics and Breeding” and also organizing National symposium/conference on annual basis. The membership of the society is open to academician, scientists, research scholars and students studying in different institutes/universities/colleges.


Advanced Training in Plant Breeding (ATPBR)

Want to start or attain better management in current seed business, get trained by experts in whole value chain in a seed business.

  • Conventional and molecular approaches in plant breeding domain
  • Futuristic technology
  • Management practices to fully reap the benefit of above two.

National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI)

The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) serves as the central organization uniting all cooperatives in India. This includes sectoral national federations, multi-state cooperative societies, and state cooperative unions. The NCUI plays a crucial role in India's cooperative sector, functioning as an advocate, policy influencer, and capacity-building entity. It represents Indian cooperatives on national and international platforms, making a lasting impact. Its mission is to promote cooperative principles and foster collaboration among diverse cooperative organizations.

The NCUI's significance lies in advancing the cooperative movement to achieve economic development, social equity, and sustainable livelihoods in India.

The core functions of the NCUI are to provide education, training, research, and extension services that are tailored to the specific needs of cooperatives.

NCUI undertakes cooperative member education programs and empower them with knowledge and skills through its National Center for Cooperative Education (NCCE) and in collaboration with State Cooperative Unions (SCUs), District Cooperative Unions (DCUs), and Cooperative Education Field Projects, provides essential education to cooperative members.

Through the National Council for Cooperative Training (NCCT) and its affiliate, Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM), NCUI conducts training programs at national, regional, and state levels. Additionally, 117 Junior Cooperative Training Centres (JCTCs) under SCUs offer training for primary cooperative employees.

NCUI mandates trainers and faculty to engage in need-based research, documenting best practices and case studies to enrich training programs.

Collaborating with SCUs, DCUs, cooperative education field projects, and Sectoral Cooperative Federations, NCUI undertakes cooperative extension activities to enhance awareness and expand membership.

Discover the exclusive publication by NIPA that sheds light on the essential role of NCUI in shaping India's cooperative sector. Let's unite to champion cooperation for a brighter future!

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