Avian Pathology

authored by: R.S. Chauhan & Desh Deepak Singh
Browse all books of R.S. Chauhan | Desh Deepak Singh
ISBN: 9789358874259 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 252 | Language: English | Copyright: 2025
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 18.10 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 450 GMS
USD 198.00 USD 179.00
This book will be available from 31-Mar-2025

Prof RS Chauhan: – COWPATHY MAN MVSc, PhD, FNAVS, FSIIP, FIAVP, Diplomat ICVP, PDCR, ACPPM, OCTT, MBA EX- Director ICAR-IVRI, JD CADRAD, Director IBT, National Fellow, Advisor WHO. Member, Animal Welfare Board of India;  Member, CPCSEA ( Govt. of India); Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee, ICMR-NARFBR. Born on September 10th, 1958 in a farmer's family, Dr. Chauhan completed his Bachelors (80.3%) with honours, Master (85.8%) and Doctoral degree (90.0%) in Veterinary Sciences with specialization in veterinary pathology from G.B. Pant University of Agric. & Tech., Pantnagar. He served the country in various capacities including Assistant Professor/ADIO (1983-96), Associate Professor (1996-1999), National Fellow (1999-2004) and Joint Director (CADRAD), IVRI, Izatnagar(2004-2009), Director & Vice-Chancellor(2009), ICAR-IVRI and Campus Director, IBT, Patwadangar (2009-2013). During his tenure as academician and scientist, he has written 112 books including 35 manuals and 1 monograph very popular among the students world over. He contributed 99 chapters in different books and published 235 research and 59 review papers. Besides, he participated in International / National Conferences and presented 178 papers. He is life member of 15 scientific bodies and has been in several executive committee such as Chairman, Panch Gavya Professionals’ Club; President, Cow Therapy Society; Secretary-General, Society for Immunology and Immunopathology; Vice President, Indian Society of Veterinary Educators; Zonal Secretary, Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists and Joint Secretary, Indian Virology Society, President, Dr. J.L. Vegad Foundation, Expert Member Research Group, Committee for Certification of Pathologists, Vice-President, IAVP; Registrar, ICVP, etc.

Based on his contributions and scientific achievements, he has been awarded with several prizes, medals and honours including Best Young Scientist Award (1992), IAAVR Award (1996), National Fellow Award (1999), Fellow NAVS (2000), Fellow SIIP (2001), K.S. Nair Memorial Award (1999), Vigyan Bharti Award (2000), Dr. C.M. Singh Trust Award (2002), Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award (2002), Shri Ramlal Agrawal National Award (2000), Best Paper Award SIIP (2003), Best Paper Award IAVA (2001, 2002, 2003), Best Teacher Award (2004) by GBPUAT, Fellow, IAVP (2006), Gopal Gaurav (2007), Bharat Excellence Award (2007), Diplomat, ICVP (2008), Intas-ISVE Best Veterinary Scientist Award (2008), Best Academician Award (2012), Moropant Pingle Go Sewa National Award (2015), Outstanding Scientist Award (2019), Research Excellence Award (2020), Indo Asian-Claude Bourgelat Distinguished Innovative Scientist Award-2020 in Animal Immunopathology and MAN OF COWPATHY  at GADVASU Ludhiana etc. in recognition of his research and teaching endeavor. He has been inducted in many national and international scientific/advisory committees and boards including Member, WHO/IPCS Committee on Environmental Health Criteria. Dr. Chauhan added many new including Enterotoxaemia, Pyometra, ETEC infection in camels, isolated camel pox virus, developed rapid diagnostic test DIA for the first time in India. He reported role of cell mediated immunity in rotavirus infection in calves. His pioneer work includes immunopathology due to pesticides, heavy metals, mycotoxins and nanoparticles. Dr. Chauhan developed a new method using MTT dye for detection of CMI response. He has scientifically validated Panchgavya and named it as “Cowpathy”.

            He have been recognized internationally as visiting Professor, University of Wageningen and Advisor, WHO. Dr. Chauhan guided more than 50 scholars for their Masters and Doctoral research; most of them are placed as Professors, Scientists, Officers in Indian Army,  banks and industry in India and abroad. At present he is working as Head Veterinary Pathology, Chairman Scientific Advisory Committee ICMR-NARFBR, Member AWBI and CPCSEA (Govt of India). Prof Chauhan superannuated on 30th June 2024 after distinguish service of 41.5 years and still contributing to the profession through lectures, writings and research and particularly developing literature/ books for the benefit of students and young generation.

Desh Deepak Singh: is Veterinary Graduate and Post Graduate in Veterinary Pathology from Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUA&T), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) India in 2001 and 2003. He is awarded outstanding student award by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar in 2003. He visited Istanbul, Turkey to present research paper in world poultry congress-2004. He joined as Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & Technology (ANDUA&T), Kumarganj, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh in 2004. He completed his Ph.D. as in-service candidate from Uttar Pradesh Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Pashu Chikitsha Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura-281001, Uttar Pradesh, India in 2017 and promoted to Associate Professor in 2017 in ANDUA&T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya. Dr Singh is selected as Professor, Veterinary Pathology, DUVASU, Mathura in 2023 and presently working as Professor & Head, Veterinary Pathology, DUVASU, Mathura. He is having more than 20 years’ experience of teaching Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) courses of Veterinary Pathology along with vast experience of disease diagnosis, research and extension. He has published more than 48 research papers in referred journals, 08 review articles, 10 book chapters, 53 technical/popular articles, 04 laboratory manuals for Under Graduate students, 02 manuals for Veterinary Officers and 01 book. He is awarded Young Scientist award by Society of Immunology and Immunopathology, Prakash best poster award, best paper presentation award by Indian Society of Veterinary Anatomy, best poster award by UP chapter of Indian Society of Veterinary Surgery and best paper award in National Conference held at ANDUA&T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya.

Avian inflammation

Pathology of nutritional diseases

Pathology of viral diseases

Pathology of bacterial diseases

Pathology of chlamydial diseases

Pathology of mycoplasmal diseases

Pathology of Spirochetal diseases

Pathology of fungal diseases

Pathology of parasitic diseases

Pathology of vices, and miscellaneous diseases

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