The book comprises eight chapters covering the latest information on “Soil as an environment for plant pathogens, Nature and importance of rhizosphere and rhizoplane, Soil and root Inhabiting fungi, Types of biocontrol agents, Inoculum potential and density in relation to host and soil variables, Competition, Predation, Antibiosis and Fungistasis, Conducive and Suppressive soils and finally, Biological control-Concepts & potentialities of bioagents for managing soil borne pathogens”. Appropriate diagrams, convincing tables and suitable graphs / illustrations have been furnished at the right places. A bibliography providing the list of references cited has also been included at the end of each chapter.
The contents of this book, reflecting an extensive literature search, will also be useful for the teaching, research and extension faculty in Agricultural and Horticultural Universities, the State Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Sericulture & Fisheries, Plant Protection Organizations, Plant Quarantine Units, Administrators & Policy makers and all those who are interested and concerned with plant protection.
N.G. Ravichandra, Professor of Plant Pathology and Scheme Head, All India Co-ordinated Research Project (Nematodes), Department of Plant Pathology University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, is involved in teaching, research and extension activities. He has been a major advisor to the Post-Graduate students majoring in Plant Pathology for M.Sc., (Agri.) and Ph.D. Degree Programmes.
Dr. N.G. Ravichandra has authored nine text books in Plant Pathology & Nematology, has 260 scientific research papers published in National and International journals, contributed chapters to twelve text books, edited five books and also authored ten books in Kannada language.
Dr. N.G. Ravichandra has identified and reported a new species of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne enterolobii) on Guava and a new host, Lac plant (Flemingia semialalta L.) for root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) from Karnataka. These are the new and first reports from India.
Dr. N.G. Ravichandra has been bestowed with three National awards for his research accomplishments and contributions. He has been recognized as the International Editor and Reviewer for three prestigious International Journals and National Editor for the eminent ‘Indian Phytopathology’ Journal. He has developed eight technologies for the management of root-knot nematodes infecting tomato, brinjal and rice, which have been included in the Package of Practices of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Dr. N.G. Ravichandra has operated research projects funded by the Department of Bio-Technology & Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India as Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator; participated and presented original research papers on various aspects of plant diseases in National and International conferences; undergone advanced training programs sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology & Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India; an active life member of professional societies including Nematological Society of India, Indian Phytopathological Society, Society of Mycology & Plant Pathology, National Environmental Science Academy, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Glacier Journal Research Foundation and Institute of Scholars
1. Soil as an Environment for Plant Pathogens
2. Nature and Importance of Rhizosphere and Rhizoplane
3. Soil and Root Inhabiting Fungi
4. Types of Biocontrol Agents
5. Inoculum Potential and Density in Relation to Host and Soil Variables
6. Competition, Predation, Antibiosis and Fungistasis
7. Conducive and Suppressive Soils
8. Biological Control- Concepts and Potentialities of Bioagents for Managing Soil Borne Pathogens