Cashew Production and Processing Technology: Recent Advances

authored by: Rakesh Chokhoba Gajbhiye & B. V.  Padhiar 
ISBN: 9789383305827 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 342 | Language: English | Year of Publishing: 2015
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 24.7 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 750 GMS
INR 4,750.00 INR 4,275.00
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cashew, anacardium occidentale, plantation agriculture, cultivation, production, export, soil, climate, biodiversity, crop improvement, propagation, planting material, morphology, tree characters, pollination techniques, orchards, nutrient management, canopy management, rejuvenation, irrigation, intercropping, maturity, harvesting, post-harvest storage, marketing, processing, pests, diseases, economics, horticulture, forestry, growers, processors

Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L. f. Anacardiaceae) is a highly valuable and economically significant crop in plantation agriculture. This book provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects related to cashew cultivation. It covers topics such as the history, origin, and geographical distribution of cashew, as well as information on cashew production, productivity, and export/import. The book also discusses soil and climate requirements for cashew cultivation, as well as the biodiversity and crop improvement of cashew. Various aspects of cashew propagation and the production of planting material are also covered, as well as the morphology and tree characters of the cashew plant. Additionally, the book covers topics such as pollination techniques, the establishment of cashew orchards, mineral nutrition, training and pruning, rejuvenation of old orchards, intercropping and cover cropping, intercultural operations, maturity and harvesting, post-harvest storage, marketing of raw nuts, and cashew nut and cashew apple processing. The book also discusses pests and diseases that can affect cashew cultivation, as well as the economics of cashew cultivation and future strategies for the crop. This book will be of value to students, teachers, and researchers in the fields of horticulture, agriculture, and forestry, as well as cashew growers and processors, including small-scale processing unit holders.

1. Introduction 2. History: Origin and Geographical Distribution 3. Cashew Area, Production, Productivity, Export and Import 4. Soil and Climate 5. Biodiversity and Crop Improvement 6. Cashew Varieties 7. Propagation and Production of Planting Material 8. Cashew Morphology and Tree Characteristics 9. Pollination Technique in Cashew 10. Establishment of Cashew Orchards 11. Integrated Nutrient Management in Cashew 12. Canopy Management in Cashew 13. Rejuvenation of Old Cashew Orchard 14. Irrigation and Water Management in Cashew 15. Intercropping and Covercropping 16. Interculture Operation 17. Maturity, Harvesting, Yield and Post Harvest Handling 18. Post Harvest Storage 19. Marketing of Raw Nuts 20. Nutritive Value of Cashew Kernel and Apple 21. Cashew Nut Processing 22. Cashew Apple Processing 23. Pests and Diseases of Cashew 24. Economics for Cashew Cultivation 25. Constraints, Technologies Developed, Future and Development Strategies and Innovation in Horticulture

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