Theories in Geography

authored by: V. Emayavaramban, K. Kannadasan, S. Vinothkanna
ISBN: 9789385516825 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 160 | Language: English | Copyright: 2017
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 14.3 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 440 GMS
USD 101.00 USD 91.00
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theories of geography, physical geography, human geography, continental drift, isostasy, von thunen's location theory, central place theory, rank-size rule, demographic transition theory, malthusian theory, growth pole theory, competitive examinations, upsc, social area analysis, economic theories

This book is an endeavor to consolidate all the theories of geography in a single volume for the ease of teachers and students. Geographical studies are divided into numerous subfields, each with its own set of theories. Readers are expected to exert effort in gathering these theories from various sources. There are a substantial number of theories in both physical and human geography. The concept of compiling these theories in a single book is intended to make it more convenient for readers to access them.

We have selected 14 key theories for inclusion in this volume. These include: the theory of continental drift, the theory of isostasy, Von Thunen's location theory, the crop combination method, the central place theory, the internal structure of a city, the rank-size rule, the social area analysis method, Losch's theory of the economics of location, Walter Isard's theory, Alfred Weber's theory of least-cost location, the demographic transition theory, the Malthusian theory of population - criticism and applicability, and the growth pole theory. These theories have been sourced from both physical and human geography, and are of great importance to those preparing for competitive examinations such as the UPSC. It is strongly recommended that readers go through these theories in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of geographical theories.

1. The Theory of Continental Drift,  2. The Theory of Isostasy, 3. Von Thunen’s Location Theory,  4.  Crop Combination Methods, 5. The Central Place Theory, 6. Internal Structure of Cities, 7. The Rank Size Rule, 8. The Social Area Analysis Model, 9. Losch’s Theory of Economics of Location, 10. Walter Isard’s Theory, 11.  Alfred Weber’s Theory of the Least-Cost Location,12. Demographic Transition Theory,13.     Malthusian Theory of Population: Criticisms and Applicability,14. Growth Pole Theory, Glossary,  Bibliography

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