Temperate Fruits: Vol.04: Fruit Science Culture & Technology

edited by: J.S. Bal
ISBN: 9789386546234 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 312 | Language: English | Year of Publishing: 2018
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 23.6 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 745 GMS
INR 5,995.00 INR 5,396.00
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The various aspects of fruit cultivation that are primarily covered include their nutritive and cultural significance, origin, history, and distribution, taxonomical and botanical description, climatic and soil adaptability, propagation technology and rootstocks, plant and fruit physiology, recommended and popular cultivars, planning and planting, soil cultural practices technology (including water and nutritional needs, weed control, and intercropping), plant cultural practices technology (including training and pruning, fruit thinning, fruit quality improvement, and the use of plant growth regulators), special problems, harvesting and production of fruits, post-harvest fruit technology, insect-pests and disease management, and marketing and export potential. The book is authored by scientists from various universities, institutions, and research stations who have contributed chapters on fruit crops in their respective areas of expertise. It is an invaluable resource for graduate and post-graduate students in Fruit Science, fruit growers, scientists, and extension workers.

Section 1: Culture and Technology of Major Temperate Fruits 1. Apple by D.P. Sharma, N. Sharma and Rimpika Section 2: Culture and Technology of Common Temperate Fruits 2. Pear by Sukhdev Singh 3. Peach by Harminder Singh and Indira Devi 4. Plum by J.S. Bal 5. Apricot by Deepji Bhat, V.K. Wali and Manish Bakshi 6. Walnut by Amit Kumar and K. Kumar Section 3: Culture and Technology of Minor Temperate Fruits 7. Almond by Arti Sharma,V.K.Wali and Simrandeep 8. Kiwi by J.S. Chandel and Pramod Verma 9. Cherry by Desh Beer Singh 10. Strawberry by S.K. Bhatia and R.B. Kumatkar Section 4: Culture and Technology of Minor Sub-Temperate Fruits 11. Persimmon by Girish Sharma, Kiran Thakur, Deepika Negi and Nirmla Chauhan

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