Abiotic Stress and Plant Physiology, Volume 02: Productivity

authored by: Amitav Bhattacharya
ISBN: 9789386546357 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 572 | Language: English | Year of Publishing: 2018
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 38.46 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 1150 GMS
INR 3,600.00 INR 3,240.00
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abiotic stress, water availability, crop species, genetic improvements, yield potential, drought, nitrogen deficiency, irrigated land, land degradation, intensive agriculture, plant physiological processes.

Abiotic stress factors, such as limited water availability, frequently restrict the growth and productivity of significant crop species. The most significant abiotic stress factor limiting crop growth globally is the scarcity of water. Although genetic improvements in yield potential are most evident in optimal environments, they also lead to increased yields under drought and nitrogen deficiency. These gains are particularly relevant considering that further extensive expansion of irrigated land is not anticipated, and land degradation resulting from intensive agriculture poses a threat to already irrigated areas.

This book aims to encompass all known abiotic stress factors and their respective consequences on various aspects of plant physiological processes.

1. Abiotic Stress and Crop Yield by A. Bhattacharya 2. Physiology of Grain Legume Yield Under Abiotic Stress by A. Bhattacharya and Vijaylaxmi 3. Photosynthesis and Physiological Parameters Under Intercropping Conditon by Vijaylaxmi 4. Role of Growth Regulators Under Abiotic Stress by Raj Bahadur 5. Plant Water Relationship Under Abiotic Stressby A. Bhattacharya6. Dry Matter Partitioning Under Abiotic Stress by A. Bhattacharya 7. Effect of Pesticides on Physiological Processes in Plants by A. Bhattacharya

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