This book has been written with the aim of presenting comprehensive solutions to question papers from the UPSC IFoS, GATE, and various State PSC examinations in Agricultural Engineering in a concise and simplified manner. It is intended to serve as a workbook that will enable students to practice solving numerical problems in agricultural engineering. By referring to this book, students will gain a strong understanding of concepts and problem-solving approaches. Additionally, the book is filled with unique shortcuts and thought processes that make it a valuable resource for exam preparation. This book is highly recommended for those preparing for crucial examinations such as UPSC IFoS, GATE, and various State PSC examinations, as well as UGC/ASRB/CSIR/ICAR NET, ICAR SRF/JRF, and various State Government examinations in Agricultural Engineering.
Er. Amandeep Godara: Assistant Engineer (WD&SC), Rajasthan, Bachelor of Engineering (M.P.U.A.T., Udaipur, Rajasthan), GATE 2014 Qualified (34th A.I.R.), ICAR-PG Exam 2014 Qualified (182nd A.I.R.), DST-Rajasthan 2014 Scholarship Holder
I. Engineering Mathematics:1.Matrices and Determinants, 2. Differential Equations,3.Vector Calculus, 4.Statistics and Probability, 5.Laplace Transforms II. Farm Power: 6.Farm Power Sources, 7.Thermodynamic Principles of I.C. Engine, 8. I.C. Engine Fuel System, 9.I.C. Engine Auxiliary Systems: Lubrication, Ignition and Cooling System, 10. Power Transmission Mechanism and Drive System, 11.Traction Mechanics, 12.Tractor Chassis Mechanism, 13.Tractor Hydraulics and Implement Control, 14. Tractor Design: Role of Comfort, Health and Safety of Human, III. Farm Machinery: 15. Soil Tillage and Sowing Machinery: Seeders and Planters, 16. Fertilizer Applications and Plant Protection Equipments, 17. Grain Harvesting Machinery: Harvester and Thresher, 18.Farm Processing Equipments: Chaff Cutter & Mowers, 19. Economics of Agricultural Equipments and Machinery,IV. Soil-Water Conservation and Irrigation Engineering: 20.Fluid Mechanics, 21.Soil Mechanics, 22. Hydrology, 23.Groundwater Hydrology and Wells, 24. Water Lifting Devices: Pumps, 25.Irrigation Engineering, 26.Drainage System, 27.Soil Conservation Measures, 28. Surveying and Levelling,V. Agricultural Process Engineering: 29. Heat Transfer in Food Processing: Steady State, 30. Drying, Evaporation and Separation of Food Components, 31.Size Reduction: Milling and Homogenization, 32. Material Handling and Food Storage, 33.Refrigeration, 34.Thermal Processing, 35.Dimensionless Numbers, VI. General English, Aptitude and Reasoning: 36.General English, 37.Quantitative Aptitude, 38.Verbal Reasoning, VII. Miscellaneous: 39. Miscellaneous