Technological Advances in Raising of Quality Planting Material of Tree Species in Temperate Regions

edited by: A. H. Mughal, Nazir. A. Pala & G. M Bhat
Browse all books of Nazir A Pala
ISBN: 9789358877663 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 226 | Language: English | Copyright: 2025
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 16.75 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 465 GMS
USD 235.00 USD 212.00
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quality planting material, forestry, afforestation program, climate change, carbon credit schemes, seed supply, nursery stock, plant species, viability, vigour, conifers, broadleaved, temperate himalayan region, agroforestry, private farmlands, community lands, government wastelands, forest seed, nursery industry

Raising of Quality planting material is important primary input for productive forestry and for any afforestation program. Mitigation of climate change and carbon credit schemes have increased the scope of this subject. Large quantities of seed are needed every year to raise the nursery stock for propagating the desired plant species. A plentiful supply of quality seed i.e., high in viability and vigour, is therefore one of the prerequisites to make such activities successful. Nursery raising of both conifers and broadleaved becomes important for sustaining life in temperate Himalayan region and to conserve and also a means to distribute the plant germplasm. QPM is essential input in forestry for maximizing revenues, improving adaptability to adverse environmental conditions and meeting quality raw material requirements of markets. Guaranteed performance in terms of higher yield and quality of crops could be achieved with reliable planting material and good management practices.

The agroforestry (TOF) in the country is mostly practiced on private farmlands, community lands and on government wastelands. In view of the increasing importance of quality planting material in forestry and the numerous challenges in handling, testing and storage of forest seed, present volume is very important for the benefit of forest seed/nursery industry.

A. H. Mughal: Associate Director Research, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Nazir. A. Pala: Professor Division of Silviculture & Agroforestry, Faculty of Forestry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Chapter 1.Selection of Mother Trees & Role of Maturity Indices in Quality Seed Collection    A.H.Mughal
Chapter 2.Effect of Cold Stratification on the Germination of Seeds of Conifers from Indian Himalayan Region Shalu Devi Thakur
Chapter 3.Seed Stands, Seed Production Areas, Seed Orchards and their Management  Parvez Ahmad Khan and Suhail Ahmed Wani
Chapter 4.Seeds Requirement in Nursery and Plantation Area: - Calculations G. M. Bhat and M.A.Islam
Chapter 5.Plant Growth Regulators and Their Applications in Forestry Zaffar M. Dar1, A. H.Mughal, Malik Asif,Amjad Masood& M.A. Malik
Chapter 6.Nursery Raising of Conifers Under Temperate Conditions of Kashmir Valley J. A. Mughloo, K. N. Qaiser, Mehraj u Din Dar and Rameez Raja 
Chapter 7.Raising of Quality Plant Material of Conifers: Improved Container and Growing Media K.N. Qaisar and Monisa Banday
Chapter 8.Application of Microbial Inoculants for Raising Quality Forest Nursery Vermicompost Technology and its Application in Forest Nursery Raising  Malik Asif, A.H. Mughal, Zaffar Mehdi, Bisma R, Saima S, Misbah A,M.A. Malik
Chapter 9.Development of Nursery Technology of Chilgoza Pine (Pinus gerardiana Wall.): The Champion of Rocky Mountains A.R. Malik, G. M. Bhat, P A Sofi, Nazir A. Pala and Aafaq A. Parrey
Chapter 10.Raising of Multipurpose Broadleaved Tree Species in Nursery Vaishnu Dutt, A H Mughal & Shiba Zahoor
Chapter 11.Nursery Raising Techniques of Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) Under Temperate Conditions of Kashmir Valley A.H.Mugha, J.A. Mughloo, P.A. Khan, Rameez Raja and Mehraj ud Din Dar
Chapter 12.Important Broadleaved   Agroforestry Tree Species of Kashmir Valley  G.M. Bhat, A. R. Malik and Nazir A. Pala 
Chapter 13.Technological Advances in Plantation Techniques of Populus deltoides Bartr. for Problematic Sites in Temperate Regions Tahir Mushtaq
Chapter 14.Management of Abiotic Stress in Forest Nursery  Z.M.Dar
Chapter 15.Management of Insect Pests of Forest Nurseries   Munazah Yaqoob, Quratul Ain, Sajad H. Mir and Liyaqat Ayub
Chapter 16.Damping-off of Forest Nurseries & its Management T. A. Shah and K. A. Bhat
Chapter 17.Sustainable Livelihoods Through Entrepreneurship in Forest Nursery Establishment M. A. Islam and G.M. Bhat
Chapter 18.Recent Approaches in Biocontrol of Plant Diseases    K.A. Bhat and T.A. Shah
Chapter 19.Mycorrhizal Fungi: An Effective Nutrient Input for the establishment of Nursery    Zahoor Ahmad Baba
Chapter 20.Application of Statistical Tools and Techniques in Forest Data Sets    T A Raja

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