Indian Livestock Breeds

authored by: Biswanath Patra & Bharat Bhushan
Browse all books of Dr Biswanath Patra
ISBN: 9789358872736 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 432 | Language: English | Copyright: 2025
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 27.3 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 770 GMS
USD 250.00 USD 225.00
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The book “Indian Livestock Breeds” has been written for the students and researchers of veterinary and animal sciences with latest information so as to help them to learn about the livestock breeds and to apply the appropriate knowledge and description. All the chapters in the book cover basic topics at Undergraduates and Postgraduates levels at Indian universities and colleges as per VCI syllabus.

India has its own dairy cattle breeds like one of the most important milch breeds is Gir, which is known for its robustness and high milk yield. The Gir breed of cattle hails from Gujarat and originated in Gir forest. Another best milch breed is Sahiwal, originated from Punjab. Sahiwal cattle are prized for their heat tolerance as well for milk production characteristics. Besides, the Red Sindhi is also known for high milk production. The animals of this breed are well-adapted to hot and harsh climatic conditions. The animals of this breed are found in Sindh now in Pakistan and in Rajasthan. Tharparkar is also categorised into a dairy breed, which is resilient and drought-resistant, and thrive well in arid regions. The Indian economy is also greatly influenced by buffalo farming, as they contribute 56% to the total milk production to India. Mostly swamp buffaloes found permanently in marshy areas, where they wallow in mud and eat coarse marsh grasses. The most popular breeds of buffalo in India are Murrah, Nili-Ravi, Jaffarabadi, Surti, Mehsana, Kundi, Nagpuri and Bhadawari etc. The Banni buffalo breed is highly adapted to local climatic conditions in the areas and traditionally they are reared under the extensive methods of night grazing.

Biswanath Patra, currently, Professor and Head in Animal Genetics & Breeding at MB Veterinary College, Dungarpur, Rajasthan. He has also worked as Associate Professor and Head in Animal Genetics & Breeding at RPS Veterinary College, Mahendragarh, affiliated with LUVAS, Hissar. He has more than twelve years of working experience with various aspects in Molecular Genetics, Pharmacology, Immunogenetics, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics in USA with several high impact NCBI publications including nature group journal. He has also teaching experiences in Animal Genetics & Breeding and Biostatistics. He did Master’s in Genetics and Animal Breeding from GBPUA&T, Pantnagar and a Ph.D. in Animal Breeding from Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI). 

He did Postdoctoral Research in several world famous institutes including UT South-western Medical Centre at Dallas, the home of seven noble laureates till date. He learned genome Bioinformatics at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. He has given several awards wining oral and poster presentations from his research works in national and international symposiums. For several years he has presented his research works at highly reputed Experimental Biology meetings in USA

Bharat Bhushan, PhD, ARS 1985, Principal Scientist & Head Division of Animal Genetics, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR-IVRI), Izatnagar – 243 122 (UP), India, did his PG and PhD in Animal Breeding from G. B. Pant University of Agric. & Tech., Pantnagar, India. He was selected for Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in the year 1985 and joined as Scientist in the discipline of Animal Genetics & Breeding at ICAR. He had more than 38 years of experience in conducting research on various aspects of Animal Genetics, Animal Breeding, Molecular Genetics and Genomics. Published more than 261 research papers in journals of national and international repute, co-authored 9 lead/review papers, 150 invited lectures and presented more than 350 research papers in various national and international conferences/symposia. He was involved in guidance of more than 100 research scholars for their MVSc and PhD degrees (30 as Chairman: 16 MVSc; 14 PhD). He had undergone the Advanced training on “Genetic resistance to diseases”, Washington State University, Pullman, USA. Recipient of several national awards/recognition including the Best Teacher Award 2006-07 of ICAR-IVRI and Best Paper Award for highest Impact Factor by ICAR-IVRI. As Program Coordinator, successfully organized an International Training for Afghan Scientists sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi. Patented a portable large animal restraining device “TRAVIPORT” Design No. 255486. Evaluated a number of Masters and PhD thesis received from various Institutions/Universities of India. Also evaluated a PhD thesis received from Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Boorooma St., Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia

1: Cattle breeds of India and the World

2: Buffalo breeds of India

3: Sheep breeds of India

4: Goat breeds of India

5: Poultry breeds of India

6: Pig breeds of India

7: Camel breeds of India

8: Horse and pony breeds of India

9: Donkey breeds of India

10: Dog breeds of India

11: Yak breeds of India

12: Mithun breeds of India

13: Endangered breeds of India

14: Livestock census of India

15: Question bank with answer

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