Project Management Techniques in Social Sciences

edited by: Bineeta Satpathy & Tulika Kumari
ISBN: 9789358878981 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 168 | Language: English | Copyright: 2025
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 13.73 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 390 GMS
USD 173.00 USD 156.00
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social science research, grassroots initiatives, project management, successful outcomes, methods, social phenomena, methodological weaknesses, project identification, project formulation, project design, implementation, evaluation, long frame analysis, tools, techniques

In the field of social science research, particularly for grassroots initiatives, project management plays a vital role akin to a guiding compass, directing practitioners towards successful outcomes. Social scientists utilize a range of methods to analyze a vast array of social phenomena. Conducting research in the social sciences is a lengthy, slow, and challenging process that can sometimes yield false results due to methodological weaknesses. Keeping this in mind, the book will focus on project management tools and techniques for identifying, formulating, implementing, and evaluating social science research projects.

The objectives of this book are as follows:

1. To provide background information and tools to guide project identification and formulation.

2. To emphasize the importance of project design.

3. To explain how sound choices can be guided by using tools such as Long Frame Analysis in social science research.

Bineeta Satpathy: Associate Professor, Department. of Agricultural Extension Education, PGCA, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur- 848125, Bihar

Tulika Kumari: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, PGCA, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur- 848125, Bihar

1. About ICSSR
2. About RPCAU
3. About CBP
4. Identification of a Research Problem and Formulation of Objectives in a Social Science Project
5. Sampling Techniques for Social Science Research
6. Case Study Research
7. Practical Exposure of Case Study Research and Analytical Tools
8. Farming System Research for Livelihood and Its Social Impact
9. Ethics in Social Science Research and Academic Writings
10. Scientific Research Paper Writing and Publishing
11. Bibliography
12. Bio-sketch of Authors/Resource Persons
13. Glimpses of CBP
14. Annexure

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