Econometrics and Production Economics: Basic Concepts and Practicals

authored by: K. S. Kushwaha
Browse all books of K. S. Kushwaha
ISBN: 9789391383435 | Binding: Hardback | Pages: 354 | Language: English | Copyright: 2024
Length: 152 mm | Breadth: 23.72 mm | Height: 229 mm | Imprint: NIPA | Weight: 410 GMS
USD 266.00 USD 240.00
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Regression Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Production Function, Demand Forecasting, Elasticity of Demand, Cost Minimization, Econometric Models, Supply Chain Optimization, Panel Data Analysis, Production Efficiency, Input-Output Analysis, Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Labor Productivity, Production Planning, Marginal Cost, Data Analysis Techniques, Economic Forecasting, Variable Selection, Production Cost Analysis, Econometric Software, Production Technology, Optimization Models, Structural Equation Modeling, Output Elasticity, Productivity Measurement

The book comprises three main sections, namely (i) Mathematical Tools, (ii) Econometrics, and (iii) Production Economics. The first section contains eight chapters, numbered 1-8, while the second section consists of six chapters, numbered 9-14. The final section has eleven chapters, numbered 15-26.
Each chapter of the book is accompanied by numerous "Numerical Illustrations" to enhance readers' and users' understanding of the subject matter. In addition, the book includes some empirical illustrations of the coefficients of "Multiple Correlation, Partial Correlation, and Partial Regression," which are presented in two different methods for calculating the coefficient.

K. S. Kushwaha: Professor (Statistics) MSc (stats) P.S.C.C. (Agricultural Statistics) Ph.D. (Applied Statistics) Recipient of Dr. Radha Krishnana Award (1992) Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management J.N. Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur-48200 ® Madhya Pradesh, India

Part A: Mathematical Tools: 1. Logarithm, 2. Real Variable Functions, 3. Limits of Functions, 4.  Differential Calculus, 5. Maxima and Minima of a Function, 6. Partial Differentiation, 7. Simple Integration, 8. Matrix and Determinants

Part B: Econometrics : 9.  Econometrics, 10. Least Square Theory, 11.  Simple and Multiple Regression Theory, 12.  Violation of Regression Assumptions, (Multicollinearity,  Heteroscedasticity & Autocollinearity), 13.  Theory of Dummy Variables, 14.  Advance Econometrics

Parts C : Production Economics: 15. Production Economics: Meaning and Definition, Nature and Scope of Agricultural Production Function, 16.  Laws of Returns: Constant, Increasing and Decreasing Marginal Returns, 17. Factor – Factor Relationship, 18.  Product – Product Relationship, 19.  Farm Management: Definition, Scope and Importance, 20.  Typical Farm Management Decisions, 21.  Economic Principles Applied to the Organization of Farm Business, 22.  Farm Planning and Budgeting, 23.  Risk and Uncertainty, 24.  Linear Programming, 25.  Farm Management Decisions, 26.  Simultaneous Equation Models               

Bibliography, Appendix

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